java Programming Glossary: experiencing
Why am I getting a crash when exiting my Activity? am I getting a crash when exiting my Activity I am experiencing a crash in my app when I quit via the back button out of my..
JSF and type safety share improve this question The behaviour you are experiencing is fully expected. Moreover it is related to java generics in..
AppContext is null from rmi thread with Java 7 Update 25 updated to Java 7 Update 25 from Update 21 and are now experiencing a null pointer exception when SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread..
Calling method from constructor constructor Excuse any minor syntax errors or whatnot I'm experiencing this with a Jitsi module and not being super familiar with Java..
Sax parsing and encoding parsing and encoding I have a contact that is experiencing trouble with SAX when parsing RSS and Atom files. According..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing but that is not the spirit of this question. After experiencing a port of iPhone to Android with no code reuse at all second..
How to configure JComboBox not to select FIRST element when created?
ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar in 11.1 drivers. This might explain the differences you're experiencing and I suggest using the most recent version i.e. the 11.2 drivers..
java web start alternative share improve this question My company is also experiencing webstart pain especially with jre 1.6 update 19 and 20. Our..
Java webstart max-heap-size causes JVM cannot be started for a java swing based aplication. Recently we have been experiencing a weird Cannot start java Virtual machine error when clicking..
Spring MVC @PathVariable getting truncated request HttpServletResponse response The problem I am experiencing is that if I hit the server with a path variable with special..
Speeding up java deep copy operations mechanism in Java is relatively slow and we are experiencing issues when our system is under peak load. Are there any suggested..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream to work in tandem and not stop working. I have also been experiencing the error Broken pipe any ideas Thanks...
Hibernate generating SQL queries when accessing associated entity's id that value. Use property access type . The behavior you're experiencing is a limitation of field access type. Here is how Emmanuel Bernard..
Seeding java.util.Random with consecutive numbers with consecutive numbers I've simplified a bug I'm experiencing down to the following lines of code int vals new int 8 for int..
Protected fields not visible to subclasses
Meaning of java.lang.ClassCastException: someClass incompatible with someClass someClass incompatible with someClass I was experiencing occasional exceptions in XPages application java.lang.ClassCastException..
SoftReference gets garbage collected too early the soft referenced Object. The behavior of the JVM you're experiencing is correct since the JVM doesn't have to hold such object longer..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool We're focusing our efforts on evaluating hibernate after experiencing the pains of J2EE. It looks like the new Java EE API is simpler...
Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec stdout when calling Runtime.exec When experiencing networking problems on client machines I'd like to be able to..