java Programming Glossary: exposing
When “” == s is false but “”.equals( s ) is true
Difference between Jax-ws, axis2, cxf has a compliant JAX RS implementation as well and supports exposing services as both REST and SOAP very well. Has a W3C compliant..
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean as a qualifier you shouldn ™t as it is provided for exposing the beans in EL. CDI handles the injection of beans with mismatched..
How to throw a checked exception from a java thread? notify the listener. This means that you have a way of exposing that this will happen through public methods and will be able..
What is the point of Authentication tokens on REST services e.g. HTTP Basic Auth you're preventing yourself from ever exposing the API safely to cross domain users i.e. most likely your API..
Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all? its neater . REST API Here is a sample controller that is exposing the REST API. The controller This is where your REST API for..
JDBC Connection: Access Denied for User even All Previlleges are Granted [closed] that in general this is a very bad idea. Rarely is exposing your database to the world a good idea one small mistake in..
Rest clients for Java? [closed] and it's implementations we have a powerful standard for exposing Java objects via Rest. However on the client side there seems..
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions implementations database and filesystem should avoid exposing implementation specific details by throwing SQLException or..
DAO and Service layers (JPA/Hibernate + Spring) mechanism providing some specific operations without exposing details of the database. I was wondering whether a DAO could..
Service layer and controller: who takes care of what? want to re use this Service in other capacities such as exposing a REST interface a different front end etc. share improve this..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? same lock which reduces throughput you are unnecessarily exposing too much information Other people including me argue that synchronized.. throughput will take more thought. You are unnecessarily exposing too much information This is a variant of #1. Use of synchronized..
What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation? [duplicate] int heightInFeet private int numberOfSpots Instead of exposing numberOfSpots it is encapsulated within the class and exposed..
What's the penalty for Synthetic methods? this question Eclipse is warning you that you may be exposing information you think is private. Synthetic accessors can be.. inspect the value of baz without reflection or any method exposing it. public class Test public static void main String args Foo..
How to change card layout panels from another panel? cardlayout share improve this question It's all about exposing the right methods and constant Strings to the outside world..
Properly closing SSLSocket the SSLSocket class it's a compromise between not a exposing too much of the specificity of TLS to the SSLSocket user b making..
JBoss AS 7 JMX Console interfaces. There will be however a compatibility layer exposing JBoss services through JMX. http thread..
SWIG Java Retaining Class information of the objects bouncing from C++ needs to be virtual but let's forget about that now I'm exposing this class along with the GameObject class to java using the..