java Programming Glossary: divisors
Project Euler #3 takes forever in Java cutting down on the iterations by only testing odd divisors and up to the square root of a number is needed. Here is a brute.. bool OddIsPrime long oddvalue test an odd 3 Only test odd divisors. for long i 3 i Math.Sqrt oddvalue i 2 if value i 0 return.. 600851475143 an odd value long maxFactor 0 Only test odd divisors of MAX. Limit search to Square Root of MAX. for long i 3 i Math.Sqrt..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number divisor ... Hang on a minute We have 2 n 2 and 3 n 3 . The divisors of n come in pairs. If we consider the pair d n d of corresponding.. in pairs. If we consider the pair d n d of corresponding divisors of n either d n d i.e. d šn or one of them say d is smaller than.. But then d d d n d n and d šn . Each pair of corresponding divisors of n contains at least one which does not exceed šn . If n is..