

java Programming Glossary: distribute

adding non-code resources to jar file using Ant


doesn't seem to work here is my ant target target name distribute depends compile includesfile readthis.txt jar destfile distributionDir.. files you need. For example for readthis.txt target name distribute depends compile jar destfile distributionDir myjar.jar fileset.. new directory for the resources so you can do target name distribute depends compile jar destfile distributionDir myjar.jar fileset..

Maven and the JOGL library?


need to uncompress them neither during development nor to distribute your project. For the distribution you'll just need to create..

Embed a JRE in a Windows executable?


a JRE in a Windows executable Suppose I want to distribute a Java application. Suppose I want to distribute it as a single.. I want to distribute a Java application. Suppose I want to distribute it as a single executable. I could easily build a .jar with.. single file with some Ant hacking . Now suppose I want to distribute it as an .exe file on Windows. That's easy enough given the..

How to check if a program is installed on system [duplicate]


to detect whether FF is installed. Else you'll have to distribute it as a Windows only application and do a System#exit along..

How to convert UTF-8 to US-Ascii in Java


mainly European enter texts in UTF 8 that has to be distributed to different systems most of them accepting UTF 8 but now we.. systems most of them accepting UTF 8 but now we must also distribute the texts to a US system which only accepts US Ascii 7 bit So..

Java Swing: Displaying images from within a Jar


open it up Or is there a better way to do this I'd like to distribute a single jar file if possible. java swing image share improve..

Are there best practices for (Java) package organisation?


build and distribution when naming allowing you to distribute your api or SDK in a different package see servlet api After..

What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed]


application on a cluster of servers with the intent to distribute the load and also provide additional redundancy. I've seen a.. that I've also used in Web applications. Never as a distributed cache though but it can do that. I tend to view it as a quick..

How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail


app to send email but that's not going to cut it when I distribute the application. Answers with any of using Hotmail Yahoo or..

Create an Android Jar library for distribution


source be available. I'm looking for a way to build and distribute a closed source library that can be used in other Android projects..

BAT file to create Java CLASSPATH


file to create Java CLASSPATH I want to distribute a command line application written in Java on Windows. My application.. application written in Java on Windows. My application is distributed as a zip file which has a lib directory entry which has the..

How to make .exe file for izpack installer .jar file


in .jar file. I want to make it in .exe file in order to distribute it. How can I do it in an easy way java jar installer exe izpack..

What's the best way to distribute Java applications?


the best way to distribute Java applications Java is one of my programming languages of.. that I maintain a web server. What's the best way to distribute a Java application What if the Java application needs to install.. 1.7. Use a native code compiler like Excelsior JET and distribute as a executable or wrap it up in an installer. Expensive and..