java Programming Glossary: dl
JProgressBar won't update update the value of the progress Bar public void run URL dl null File fl null OutputStream os null InputStream is null ProgressListener.. System.getProperty user.home .replace Desktop afile.rar dl new URL https u 48076798 afile.rar os new FileOutputStream.. user.home .replace Desktop afile.rar dl new URL https u 48076798 afile.rar os new FileOutputStream fl..
Handling an invalid security certificate using MATLAB's urlread command an invalid security certificate using MATLAB's urlread command.. Exception list. urlread doesn't have an obvious way of handling this problem. Under the hood urlread is using Java to access.. this MATLAB code javaaddpath 'C MATLAB MyJavaClasses' dl com.stackoverflow.Downloader page dl.getData 'https msp.f
Enable stringFlavor of Transfersupport in Java Swing the cells of a JTable. So I've created a custom TransferHandler for the table. But every call of support.isDataFlavorSupported.. returns false How can I make sure that my TransferHandler is able to import Strings Here is the source public class.. to import Strings Here is the source public class TableHandler extends TransferHandler private static final long serialVersionUID..
Querying ManyToMany relationship with Hibernate Criteria List LicenceClass licenceClasses String hqlString select dl from DriversLicenceImpl dl where 1 1 for int i 0 i licenceClasses.size.. String hqlString select dl from DriversLicenceImpl dl where 1 1 for int i 0 i licenceClasses.size i hqlString and.. i hqlString and licenceClass i some elements dl.licenceClasses Query query getSession .createQuery hqlString..
ZipInputStream getNextEntry is null when extracting .zip files 150kb.. How can I fix this The .zip exists Code I use to dl the .zip URL intent.getStringExtra DownloadService_URL FileName..
Can instantiate the type DocumentListener javax.swing.text.JTextComponent InputMethodRequestsHandler@5090d8ea DocumentListeners 1@559113f8 DocumentListeners 0.. preferredSize javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI UpdateHandler@27b62aab javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret Handler@28ab54eb javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.. UpdateHandler@27b62aab javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret Handler@28ab54eb javax.swing.text.JTextComponent InputMethodRequestsHandler@5090d8ea..
How do you import a font? I'm trying try URL fontUrl new URL http dl f badaboom_bb Font font Font.createFont Font.TRUETYPE_FONT fontUrl.openStream..