

java Programming Glossary: div1

Why does division by zero with floating point (or double precision) numbers not throw java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero in Java


the following statements don't throw any exception. double div1 0D 0 or 0D 0D double div2 0 0D or 0D 0D System.out.printf div1.. 0D 0 or 0D 0D double div2 0 0D or 0D 0D System.out.printf div1 s div2 s n div1 div2 System.out.printf div1 div2 b n div1 div2.. div2 0 0D or 0D 0D System.out.printf div1 s div2 s n div1 div2 System.out.printf div1 div2 b n div1 div2 System.out.printf..