

java Programming Glossary: dependencies.jar

Jersey exception only thrown when depencencies assembled into a single jar


e.java 285 ~ vma server 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT jar with dependencies.jar na at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequ..

Problem building executable jar with maven


target logmanager 0.1.0.jar and logmanager 0.1.0 jar with dependencies.jar. I get an error when I double click on the first jar Could not.. slightly different error when I double click the jar with dependencies.jar Failed to load Main Class manifest attribute from C EclipseProjects.. logmanager target logmanager 0.1.0 jar with dependencies.jar I copied and pasted the path and classname and checked the spelling..

Hibernate 3.5.x: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval


r05.jar hsqldb junit 4.1.jar lambdaj 2.0 with dependencies.jar log4j 1.2.14.jar mockito all 1.8.0.jar persistence api 1.0.jar..

Yet another “unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler” error


java jar target myproject 0.0.1 SNAPSHOT jar with dependencies.jar Which throws the following error Exception in thread main org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException..

Exception starting Spring application from Java


during the java execution java cp target test jar with dependencies.jar . de.fraunhofer.fkie.tet.vmware.manager.Test INFO Loading XML..

Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class?
