java Programming Glossary: cr
Getting frames from Video Image in Android Y U and V values on the YUV 420 buffer described as YCbCr_422_SP by Android David Manpearl 081201 public void decodeYUV.. buffer fg size fg.length minimum sz 3 2 int i j int Y Cr 0 Cb 0 for j 0 j height j int pixPtr j width final int jDiv2.. width i 1 2 Cb fg cOff if Cb 0 Cb 127 else Cb 128 Cr fg cOff 1 if Cr 0 Cr 127 else Cr 128 int R Y Cr Cr 2 Cr..
jtable cellrenderer changes backgroundcolor of cells while running backgroundcolor of cells while running I'm trying to create a table and color specific cells either yellow red or white.. fine for every row that is currently displayed on the screen however when the program reaches rows that are not displayed.. rows that are not displayed or if the user try's to scroll every cell changes its backgroundcolor back to white. I have..
How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays? Make the query. ContentResolver cr ctx.getContentResolver Form an array specifying which columns.. Cursor managedCursor cr.query contacts projection null null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
How to convert from CMYK to RGB in Java correctly? hasAdobeMarker false ImageInputStream stream ImageIO.createImageInputStream file Iterator ImageReader iter ImageIO.getImageReaders.. 0 x stride x 4 int y pixelRow x int cb pixelRow x 1 int cr pixelRow x 2 int c int y 1.402 cr 178.956 int m int y 0.34414.. cb pixelRow x 1 int cr pixelRow x 2 int c int y 1.402 cr 178.956 int m int y 0.34414 cb 0.71414 cr 135.95984 y int..
How to emit and execute Java bytecode at runtime? in Java for a domain specific language with some scripting capabilities. I have already implemented a parser and.. use the ASMifier included with ASM like this ClassReader cr new ClassReader new FileInputStream HelloWorld.class cr.accept.. cr new ClassReader new FileInputStream HelloWorld.class cr.accept new ASMifierClassVisitor new PrintWriter System.out 0..
Android: Saving Picture to a File and Retrieving it save it to a File and be able to load that picture when I create the activity so if i switch to a different activity and.. .notifyChange selectedImage null ContentResolver cr getContentResolver try bitmap android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.. android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media .getBitmap cr selectedImage imageView.setImageBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap..
How to make Restlet client ignore SSL Certificate problems this Client client new Client new Context Protocol.HTTP cr new ClientResource String.format itql_endpoint riQuery cr.setNext.. cr new ClientResource String.format itql_endpoint riQuery cr.setNext client and reusing client for each call I make. How.. void init Series Parameter parameters public SSLContext createSslContext return sslContext While the first method may seem..