java Programming Glossary: cp.add
browse html files in java swing [duplicate] n JEditorPane htmlPane new JEditorPane text html text cp.add htmlPane htmlPane.setBounds 750 50 600 600 catch Exception ex..
Draw in an image inside panel jPanel1.setBounds 48 24 209 145 jPanel1.setOpaque false cp.add jPanel1 jButton1.setBounds 88 208 75 25 jButton1.setText jButton1.. ActionEvent evt jButton1_ActionPerformed evt cp.add jButton1 jButton2.setBounds 184 208 75 25 jButton2.setText jButton2.. ActionEvent evt jButton2_ActionPerformed evt cp.add jButton2 end components setVisible true end of public Try_Panel..
How does JTree display file name? Container cp frame.getContentPane if av.length 0 cp.add new pnl_fileView new myFile . else cp.setLayout new BoxLayout.. BoxLayout cp BoxLayout.X_AXIS for int i 0 i av.length i cp.add new pnl_fileView new myFile av i frame.pack frame.setVisible..
Background image in a JFrame cp.setLayout null BackgroundPanel bg new BackgroundPanel cp.add bg JPanel b new JPanel b.setSize new Dimension 30 40 b.setBackground.. b.setSize new Dimension 30 40 b.setBackground cp.add b w.pack w.setVisible true It shows the little red square or.. won't display. BackgroundPanel bg new BackgroundPanel cp.add bg isn't supplying a bounds. You'll need to do something like..
removeAll not removing at next validate? cp frame.getContentPane cp.setLayout new FlowLayout cp.add new JScrollPane panel Component textField new JTextField i am..