java Programming Glossary: contrived
Validate an XML File Against Multiple Schema Definitions against a number of different schemas apologies for the contrived example a.xsd b.xsd c.xsd c.xsd in particular imports b.xsd..
non resizable window border and positioning say larger FontMetrics . This example is somewhat contrived but you get the idea. If you change the bounds of a non resizable..
Java generics - Make Generic to extends 2 interfaces with different parameters. I can't come up with a non contrived example but Contains a Comparator String that also implements..
JSpinner: Display a range of signed HexBinary values list of HexBinary values that fall in the range contrived solution with unnecessary code. doesn't work perfectly . Is..
Multiple annotations of the same type on one element? as annotations on the getters or setters. Here's a contrived example public class Employee private List Project projects..
Bounded-wildcard related compiler error Map extends String extends Integer m null help m That's a contrived example since String and Integer are both final but it shows..
Strings are objects in Java, so why don't we use 'new' to create them? are often used more than once. For example consider the contrived code for int i 0 i 10 i System.out.println Next iteration If..
Java Native Access doesn't do C++, right? such method without exposing methods that you call. In my contrived example above this means that foo as long as it is defined within..
Nested Java enum definition - does declaring as static make a difference? make a difference I have an interface here's a nicely contrived version as an example public interface Particle enum Charge..
Why null cast? c ... public void doSomething MyOtherClass c ... A non contrived situation where you need to cast is when you call a varargs..
Explaining Interfaces to Students [closed] much any explanation we gave either came across as too contrived to be useful for learning or too far removed from their position..
What is the garbage collector in Java? myObj ... more code ... I know this is extremely contrived but here after you call otherMethod the original Object created..
Returning from a finally block in Java to not use flow control from finally. Even if there's a contrived example where it's better consider the developer who has to..
What use are EJBs stopping this been implemented in Java EE. A rather contrived example @Stateless public SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService..
The case against checked exceptions using a checked exception. So those are my rules. Somewhat contrived and there will doubtless be exceptions please help me refine..
Why put JSP in WEB-INF? not visible to the users. It's a bit safer that way. If a contrived example you are including db.jsp but by itself it throws an..
Help with understanding a function object or functor in Java ... tentimes new PrintHello ... Obviously this example is contrived. We code make this code a little bit nicer using anonymous inner..
Java - inline class definition OnClickListener ocl The example is somewhat contrived and obviously not complete but I think it gets the idea across...
Can Hibernate work with MySQL's “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE” syntax? update to depend on values already in the database. As a contrived example let's say you want to count the number of times a story..