

java Programming Glossary: context.getcontentresolver

Delete SMS in Android 1.5


suitable I have used was the following but it doesn't work context.getContentResolver .delete deleteUri address and date new String msg.getOriginatingAddress.. Uri deleteUri Uri.parse content sms int count 0 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query deleteUri null null null null while c.moveToNext try.. pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse uri null null catch Exception e return count..

How can one detect airplane mode on Android?


Context context return Settings.System.getInt context.getContentResolver Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON 0 0 share improve this answer..

ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?


args new String constraint.toString .toUpperCase Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query Tasks.CONTENT_URI null buffer null null buffer.toString..

Android Contacts - Update Note


operationList.add builder.build ContentProviderResult res context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY operationList if res..

Android - Update a contact


try Bitmap bitmap MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap context.getContentResolver Uri.parse r.getPhoto ByteArrayOutputStream image new ByteArrayOutputStream.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Update try context.getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY ops catch Exception e.. AND ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 1 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI CONTACTS_SUMMARY_PROJECTION..