

java Programming Glossary: context.location_service

Google Maps Android api v2 and current location


intent locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Define the criteria how to select the locatioin provider use..

How do I output the location using gps on Android


LocationManager lm LocationManager this.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE conversion Criteria criteria new Criteria String bp lm.getBestProvider..

Location manager is not working without internet


locationManager LocationManager ctx.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Criteria criteria new Criteria String provider locationManager.getBestProvider..

Get Map address or Location Address in Android


locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Criteria criteria new Criteria criteria.setAccuracy Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE..

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android?


. LocationManager lm LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Location location lm.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER..

Android - Unable to get the gps location on the emulator


R.layout.nl locmgr LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Criteria crit new Criteria crit.setAccuracy Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE.. R.layout.nl locmgr LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE Define a listener that responds to location updates LocationListener..

Getting the current GPS location on Android


mlocManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE LocationListener mlocListener new LocationManagerHelper mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates..

Positing user current location and show it in Google maps


view locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE locationManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER.. try locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE setCriteria currentLocation AndroidLocationActivity.this.locationManager.getLastKnownLocation..