java Programming Glossary: controlling
What is the best method to capture images from a live video device for use by a Java-based application? best for the purpose of this discussion Latency if I'm controlling the camera using this video stream I would like to keep my round..
Are Thread.stop and friends ever safe in Java? a way to deliver the results of each computation to the controlling thread. These results are created mutated by the stoppable thread..
Java Bouncing Ball your balls as it sees fit. You need to ensure that you are controlling the size and location of the ball pane. This means you've taken..
Difficulties understanding the renderers mechanism of swing's JTable and JTree to edit a cell's data a cell editor takes over the cell controlling the cell's editing behavior. They give a hint that indeed what..
Java: Exceptions as control flow? exceptional conditions. So using them in the context of controlling the flow of your application is indeed considered bad practice...
Java RS-232 Communication on Windows on Windows Does anyone know of a good Java API for controlling RS 232 devices in a WIN32 enviroment I've tried RXTX but they..
Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT? the text area it should be closed. Two presenters the one controlling the tree view and the one controlling the text view would both.. presenters the one controlling the tree view and the one controlling the text view would both subscribe to events fired from the.. the appropriate action as described above. The presenter controlling the hierarchy would presumably also send a message to the server..
JSF files inside WEB-INF directory / Model 2 Pattern is forbidden in this pattern since it doesn't go to the controlling servlet java mvc jsf 2 web inf share improve this question.. is forbidden in this pattern since it doesn't go to the controlling servlet No it's perfectly fine. The controller will kick in..
Java remote debugging, how does it work technically? This interface allows for state inspection and helps in controlling the flow of execution within the debuggee. Java Debug Wire Protocol..
How to do opposite of of preference attribute android:dependency?
Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' : MalformedParameterizedTypeException Though maxStatements is the JDBC standard parameter for controlling statement caching users may find c3p0's alternative maxStatementsPerConnection..
What is AspectJ good for? used for Logging. In some cases it is used for Transaction controlling mostly implemented in conjunction with annotations. AspectJ.. in general can be used for more than logging transaction controlling and simulation partial classes. So what are other useful use..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour you the code that I use for every ListView and properly controlling the click event for changing the background and doing anything..
Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository? this question Use a settings file with properties controlling the Nexus credentials ivysettings property name value..
Cancelling a long running regex match? and I think this usage is safe since I'm controlling where ThreadDeath is thrown via synchronisation and handle it..
Controlled editing of a row selection in JTable but is less intuitive I have tried a few different ways of controlling edit selections using the valueChanged method of my JTable but..