

java Programming Glossary: contentpane.add

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


Image from the Resource specified. mue.printStackTrace contentPane.add imageLabel frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform..

Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing


new java.awt.Color 0 0 0 1 true contentPane.add panel BorderLayout.WEST JButton btnBrowse new JButton Browse..

How to set Icon to a JLabel from an image from a folder?


new JComboBox data cBox.addActionListener comboActions contentPane.add imageLabel contentPane.add cBox frame.setContentPane contentPane.. comboActions contentPane.add imageLabel contentPane.add cBox frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform..

Providing white space in a Swing GUI


i borderPanel.add buttons i borderConstraints i contentPane.add borderPanel flowPanel new JPanel new FlowLayout FlowLayout.CENTER.. i new JButton Integer.toString i flowPanel.add buttons i contentPane.add flowPanel gridPanel new JPanel new GridLayout 2 2 hGap vGap.. i new JButton Integer.toString i gridPanel.add buttons i contentPane.add gridPanel gridBagPanel new JPanel new GridBagLayout gridBagPanel.setBorder..

Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java


new JScrollPane scrollPane.setBounds 10 21 359 255 contentPane.add scrollPane JPanel panel new JPanel scrollPane.setViewportView.. Users achermen Desktop up.png label.setBounds 447 66 46 48 contentPane.add label JLabel label_1 new JLabel New label label_1.setIcon new.. achermen Desktop down.png label_1.setBounds 447 159 46 48 contentPane.add label_1 JLabel label_2 new JLabel New label label_2.setIcon..

Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog


contentPane getContentPane JLabel label new JLabel welkom contentPane.add label BorderLayout.CENTER SOLUTION I used mre's solution and.. 10 10 100 10 some random value that I know is in my dialog contentPane.add label contentPane.validate contentPane.repaint this.pack Another..

Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout


to the JPanel having CardLayout. Window1 win1 new Window1 contentPane.add win1 CARD_JBUTTON Window2 win2 new Window2 contentPane.add win2.. contentPane.add win1 CARD_JBUTTON Window2 win2 new Window2 contentPane.add win2 CARD_JTEXTFIELD Window3 win3 new Window3 contentPane.add.. win2 CARD_JTEXTFIELD Window3 win3 new Window3 contentPane.add win3 CARD_JRADIOBUTTON We need two JButtons to go to the next..