java Programming Glossary: constructor
How to append text to an existing file in Java e oh noes The second parameter to the FileWriter constructor will tell it to append to the file as opposed to clearing the..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times DB business logic at all. For that the bean's post constructor initialization blocks and or action listener methods should.. return someProperty Note that you should not use bean's constructor or initialization block for the job because it may be invoked..
Best Practice: Initialize class fields in constructor or at declaration? Practice Initialize class fields in constructor or at declaration I've been programming in C# and Java recently.. Random myRand new Random public void Roll .... or in a constructor.. public class Die private int topFace private Random myRand.. Prefer initialization in declaration if you don't have a constructor parameter that changes the value of the field. 3. If the value..
Round a double to 2 decimal places you want to use BigDecimal . And while at it use the constructor that takes a String never the one taking double System.out.println..
Change private static final field using Java reflection Freezes of a final field occur both at the end of the constructor in which the final field is set and immediately after each modification.. of a final field that do not take place in the constructor. See also JLS 15.28 Constant Expression It's unlikely that this..
Setting the default Java character encoding? character encoding used by String.getBytes and the default constructors of InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter has been permanently..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? array twice once for toCharArray and once in the String constructor. There needs to be a documented way to get a new String by copying.. Unless an explicit copy of original is needed use of this constructor is unnecessary since Strings are immutable. The salient piece..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? whatever parameters you need in a suitable SwingWorker constructor. import java.awt.EventQueue import java.awt.GridLayout import..
Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? class have their values copied in via the autogenerated constructor. This avoids the compiler having to autogenerate various extra..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser setItems null setTitle null set every field to null in the constructor public void setItems Items items this.items items public Items..
How to: generic array creation knows explicitly what type of objects it contains i.e. its constructor was explicitly called with a Class E argument and methods will..
Calling awt Frame methods from subclass exbtn1 exbtn2 FBox pBtn hBtn eBtn FWorld menu simple constructor public Menu public void setup size 600 400 smooth Fisica.init.. PImage background static String tab simple constructor public Menu public void setup size 600 400 smooth background..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation construct a new exception by passing the current one in constructor It could've been. But nothing stops you from catching the unchecked..
HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java and decoding of URLs is to use an URI Use one of the constructors with more than one argument like URI uri new URI http or String request uri.toString the single argument constructor of URI does NOT escape illegal characters EDIT added fully qualified.. api weather São Paulo use the 5 parameter version of the constructor URI uri new URI http ig api weather São Paulo..
How do I copy an object in Java? object copy share improve this question Create a copy constructor class DummyBean private String dummy public DummyBean DummyBean..
Why does this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor? first statement in constructor . The Eclipse compiler says Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor . However..
Log4J properties file - where to put it use static Logger logger Logger.getLogger MyClass.class in Constructor PropertyConfigurator.configure and in functions..
Progress Bar Java Progress bar value private java.lang.Integer value null Constructor @param jpb The progress bar this has to update public ProgressBarUpdator..
Java Constructor Inheritance Constructor Inheritance I was wondering why in java constructors are not..
Providing white space in a Swing GUI between various components. 1. BorderLayout Overloaded Constructor BorderLayout int horizontalGap int verticalGap Getter and setter.. and BorderLayout.setVgap 2. FlowLayout Overloaded Constructor FlowLayout int align int hgap int vgap Getter and setter methods.. and FlowLayout.setVgap 3. GridLayout Overloaded Constructor GridLayout int rows int columns int hgap int vgap Getter and..
How to load a jar file at runtime Runnable.class Avoid Class.newInstance for it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun.. it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance Class loaders no longer..
In what order do static initializer blocks in Java run? Instance init block System.out.println instance parent Constructor public Parent System.out.println constructor parent Static.. init block System.out.println instance grandparent Constructor public Grandparent System.out.println constructor grandparent.. constructor grandparent class Child extends Parent Constructor public Child System.out.println constructor child Static init..
Is it possible to create an instance of nested class using Java Reflection? a few hoops to do this. First you need to use Class.getConstructor to find the Constructor object you want to invoke Returns a.. First you need to use Class.getConstructor to find the Constructor object you want to invoke Returns a Constructor object that.. find the Constructor object you want to invoke Returns a Constructor object that reflects the specified public constructor of the..
How to properly override clone method? that Java's clone is broken. Josh Bloch on Design Copy Constructor versus Cloning If you've read the item about cloning in my book..
How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness? this an anti pattern . One of the wonderful benefits of Constructor Injection is that it makes violations of the Single Responsibility..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? restrictions that a class must obey to allow inheritance. Constructors must not invoke overridable methods directly or indirectly... as expected. Here's an example to illustrate public class ConstructorCallsOverride public static void main String args abstract class.. questions Calling an Overridden Method from a Parent Class Constructor State of Derived class object when Base class constructor calls..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF videoDevices new Vector Vector audioDevices new Vector Constructor Creates a new DeviceFinder public DeviceFinder retrieve ALL..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM String applicationSecret private String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication.. String applicationSecret private String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication..
Database not copying from assets SQLiteDatabase myDataBase private final Context myContext Constructor Takes and keeps a reference of the passed context in order to..
Creating an instance using the class name and calling constructor Yes something like Class clazz Class.forName className Constructor ctor clazz.getConstructor String.class Object object ctor.newInstance.. clazz Class.forName className Constructor ctor clazz.getConstructor String.class Object object ctor.newInstance new Object ctorArgument..