

java Programming Glossary: combobox

How to implement auto complete functionality in a cell in JTable?


new Object Ester Jordi Jordina Jorge Sergi JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox elements comboBox.setEditable true AutoCompletion.. Jorge Sergi JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox elements comboBox.setEditable true AutoCompletion ac new AutoCompletion comboBox.. true AutoCompletion ac new AutoCompletion comboBox ac.setStrict false DefaultCellEditor cellEditor new DefaultCellEditor..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


Item 3 train model.addElement new Item 4 boat JComboBox comboBox Easiest approach is to just override toString method of the.. is to just override toString method of the Item class comboBox new JComboBox model comboBox.setDragEnabled true comboBox.addActionListener.. method of the Item class comboBox new JComboBox model comboBox.setDragEnabled true comboBox.addActionListener this getContentPane..

how to add different JComboBox items in a Column of a JTable in Swing


.getColumn 1 .setCellEditor new DefaultCellEditor comboBox_Custom Each row is being set to same set of ComboBox Values... JTable table new JTable dm table.setRowHeight 20 JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox comboBox.addItem Male comboBox.addItem Female.. dm table.setRowHeight 20 JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox comboBox.addItem Male comboBox.addItem Female comboBox.addComponentListener..

JComboBox Action listener


problem. I have multiple JComboBoxes 5 total . To each comboBox I add an ActionListener but the same ActionListener for all..

How to list suggestions to when typing inside the text field


Dynamically adding items to a JComboBox


adding items to a JComboBox Vector comboBoxItems new Vector DefaultComboBoxModel model ComboBox Items have.. items shown in the combo box. I can see the values in comboBoxItems when I debug but those values do not appear in my combo.. 200 200 frame.setLayout new FlowLayout Vector comboBoxItems new Vector comboBoxItems.add A comboBoxItems.add B comboBoxItems.add..

how to trigger an action in parent JPanel when a component in a child JPanel is updated (Java Swing)


String items new String item 1 item 2 item 3 JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox items comboBox.addActionListener new ComboBoxListener.. 1 item 2 item 3 JComboBox comboBox new JComboBox items comboBox.addActionListener new ComboBoxListener add comboBox private.. items comboBox.addActionListener new ComboBoxListener add comboBox private class ComboBoxListener implements ActionListener @Override..

Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2


trying to build a sample application. Then I got stuck in combobox. I did not find any reference to key value pair for combobox.. I did not find any reference to key value pair for combobox in JavaFX. The combobox javadoc at http docs.oracle.com javafx.. reference to key value pair for combobox in JavaFX. The combobox javadoc at http docs.oracle.com javafx 2 api index.html does..

how to add checkbox and combobox in table cell?


to add checkbox and combobox in table cell I am creating one form which contain table and.. is worth a thousand words How can I get the checkbox and comboboxes into the table I am using NetBeans. I tried using drag and.. new DefaultCellEditor new JCheckBox java swing jtable jcombobox jcheckbox share improve this question Here is combo cell..

Setting a tooltip for a value from JComboBox's Items as CellEditor in JTable


value for the values in a custom combo box. Basically my combobox contains a list of initials of people when they hover over i.. return user.getInitials java swing jtable tooltip jcombobox share improve this question If you want tooltips in the.. this question If you want tooltips in the editing combobox you'll have to so in a custom renderer of that combobox. Below..

TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint()


item. You have some implicit interaction between your combobox and you table the selected item of the combo box influences.. box influences the way the table is painted . When the comboboxpopup is hidden it automatically triggers a repaint of the hovered.. solutions I can come up with Add an ActionListener to the combobox and invoke table.repaint easy to do Change your table model..

Filling combobox from database by using hibernate in Java


combobox from database by using hibernate in Java Heyy I am developing.. based application with hibernate in java. And I want fill combobox from database coloumn. How I can do that And I don't know in.. finally session.close java hibernate swing database jcombobox share improve this question I don't use Hibernate but given..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


item to be a HashMap how do I set the text to apear in the combobox on the GUI It needs to be the value of a certain key in the.. of a certain key in the map. Normally if I am populating a combobox with my own type I would just overide the toString method...but.. objects are to appear in the GUI. java swing hashmap jcombobox share improve this question 2 specify how these objects..

JCombobox change another JCombobox


change another JCombobox vHi all trying to combine 2 jcomboboxes. 1 combobox is for showing category of expences. and second.. JCombobox vHi all trying to combine 2 jcomboboxes. 1 combobox is for showing category of expences. and second combobox is.. 1 combobox is for showing category of expences. and second combobox is reading file from text file to show types of products. If..

JComboBox Action listener


c JComboBox e.getSource DO WORK relating to c as thats the combobox that triggered. but the problem is when I change something in.. but the problem is when I change something in any of my comboboxes the Action is always triggered by the last combo box to which.. is called at runtime so i have a variable number of comboboxes. java swing jcombobox actionlistener share improve this..

UIManager color at a JFileChooser


bad and it also happens for the file type selected at the combobox. I want to change it to Black but nimbusSelectedText is already..

Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2


900.5 @Override public void start Stage primaryStage ComboBox Employee combobox new ComboBox data combobox.getSelectionModel.. start Stage primaryStage ComboBox Employee combobox new ComboBox data combobox.getSelectionModel .selectFirst Select first as..

SWT - Tableviewer adding a remove button to a column in the table


the button. I have a markup column in the table and it is ComboBox. I created a class that extends EditingSupport . Would I need.. extending EditingSupport but creating a button instead of ComboBox EDIT public class AplotDataTableViewer extends TableViewer public..

FullScreen Swing Components Fail to Receive Keyboard Input on Java 7 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion


intact. Previously I have seen that Dialog pop ups or ComboBox drop downs do not function in fullscreen on Java 6 on OS X but..

How to use Map element as text of a JComboBox


to use Map element as text of a JComboBox I am populating a JComboBox using addItem with all the elements.. use Map element as text of a JComboBox I am populating a JComboBox using addItem with all the elements of a collection. Each element.. Each element in the collection is a HashMap so its a ComboBox of Hashmaps.. . My question is Given that I need each item to..

how to add different JComboBox items in a Column of a JTable in Swing


to add different JComboBox items in a Column of a JTable in Swing I want to add JComboBox.. items in a Column of a JTable in Swing I want to add JComboBox inside a JTable 3 3 on column 1. But in the column 1 each row.. 1. But in the column 1 each row will have its own set of ComboBox element. When I tried to use table.getColumnModel .getColumn..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell I have a JTable with a column containing a.. the cell I have a JTable with a column containing a JComboBox. I have an ItemListener attached to the JComboBox which acts.. a JComboBox. I have an ItemListener attached to the JComboBox which acts upon any changes. However ItemListener does not have..

Dynamically adding items to a JComboBox


adding items to a JComboBox Vector comboBoxItems new Vector DefaultComboBoxModel model.. to a JComboBox Vector comboBoxItems new Vector DefaultComboBoxModel model ComboBox Items have gotten from Data Base initially... Vector comboBoxItems new Vector DefaultComboBoxModel model ComboBox Items have gotten from Data Base initially. model new DefaultComboBoxModel..

Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu


Size of JComboBox PopupMenu i am programming a custom component which extends.. i am programming a custom component which extends a JComboBox. My problem is the PopupMenu won't actualise its size if i am.. well. The only workaround i found was to do in JIntelligentComboBox.java line 213 this.setPopupVisible false this.setPopupVisible..

JComboBox returning values Java


returning values Java What method is used to return the selection.. Integer for int i 1 i 100 i ageList.add i DefaultComboBoxModel Integer modelAge new DefaultComboBoxModel Integer for Integer.. i DefaultComboBoxModel Integer modelAge new DefaultComboBoxModel Integer for Integer i ageList modelAge.addElement i JComboBox..