java Programming Glossary: combo.getselecteditem
how to wire one JPane to another JPane actionPerformed ActionEvent ae String newValue String combo.getSelectedItem firePropertyChange PHYSICIST oldValue newValue oldValue newValue..
How to set Icon to a JLabel from an image from a folder? ImageIcon image new ImageIcon getClass .getResource combo.getSelectedItem .gif if image null imageLabel.setIcon image imageLabel.setText..
TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint() table value isSelected hasFocus row column String str combo.getSelectedItem .toString if value.toString .equalsIgnoreCase str setBackground.. boolean hasFocus int row int column String str combo.getSelectedItem .toString if value.toString .equalsIgnoreCase str setBackground.. table value isSelected hasFocus row column String str combo.getSelectedItem .toString if value.toString .equalsIgnoreCase str setBackground..
Simple popup java form with at least two fields if result JOptionPane.OK_OPTION System.out.println combo.getSelectedItem field1.getText field2.getText else System.out.println Cancelled..
JFormattedTextField issues void actionPerformed ActionEvent e Edit current Edit combo.getSelectedItem jtf1.setFocusLostBehavior current.value frame.pack frame.setVisible..
JTable not showing void actionPerformed ActionEvent e Model model Model combo.getSelectedItem table.setModel model.model private enum Model Alpha Beta..