java Programming Glossary: coincidence
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars assuming has to do with the Java update would be quite a coincidence all of this worked perfectly prior to the update . TIA java..
Incorrect behavior of JPanel#paintChildren(Graphics) when a JMenu is present? ascent and descent are useful in this context. It may be a coincidence that mb.getHeight and fm.getHeight are of comparable magnitude...
How do you do a limit query in HQL . So if it worked in Hibernate 2 it seems that was by coincidence rather than by design. I think this was because the Hibernate..
In what order do static initializer blocks in Java run? run before their children's but that could just be a coincidence and doesn't help if two classes aren't in the same hierarchy...
getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream files relative to the root of the classpath as you by coincidence figured out. In webapplications or any other application which..
Difference between JDBC Driver type numbers network protocol still with sockets . In general just by coincidence how higher the type number how better the JDBC driver performs...
String comparison with logical operator in Java the hello is saved Read up on string interning so it is coincidence that it is the same thing as your stirng. checks if two things..