java Programming Glossary: chances
Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap size that's the amount of memory that you'll need. But the chances are your apps will be starting out with comparitively small..
How to modify XML data in Dom parser looks like homework I'm going to give you some hints The chances are that your lecturer has given you some lecture notes and..
Multiple Inheritance in java inheritance like C when there is no ambiguity and hence no chances of diamond problem while inheriting from multiple base class..
Java Bouncing Ball the speed and location of the balls to give them less chances of starting in the same location and moving in the same location.....
Performance ConcurrentHashmap vs HashMap instances of that class. If this is a local variable then chances are a HashMap is sufficient unless you know that references..
How to get the ThreadPoolExecutor to increase threads to max before queueing? had not dequeued it yet. But if there were more than 1 chances were greater that the current threads were not keeping up with..
Hibernate Vs iBATIS you need to write fairly complicated SQL queries then chances are Ibatis will work better. HQL Hibernate Query Language is.. find cases where you still need to write SQL. What's more chances are you will at some spend half a day figuring out the right..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework the SuggestBox with Suggestion s... Bottom line is try GWT chances are you'll love it and will never want to write in pure JavaScript..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android complicated and difficult to understand area. In fact the chances of you actually correctly interpreting whatever numbers you..
Eclipse: Syntax Error, parameterized types are only if source level is 1.5 the checked JRE is 1.6. if the default JRE is indeed 1.6 chances are that it's a project specific setting. see that the project..
Enum exeeding the 65535 bytes limit of static initializer… what's best to do? this question Simple. Don't use enum for this. The chances are that your source code does not explicitly refer to many..
Cross-platform way to change java process priority a new JVM to run the CPU intensive application then the chances are that it is already not entirely portable. For example you..
Java memory model - can someone explain it? disrespect whatsoever to the community when I say that the chances of everyone who thinks they can answer this question actually..
Having a 3rd party jar included in Maven shaded jar without adding it to local repository repo path needs to be a full path but didn't want to take chances. The contents of the repo subdirectory is now repo dummy dummy..
How to convert UTF8 to Unicode be handling it all for you. If it's not doing so then chances are it's lost data already. Could you give an example of what's..
How to remove System.out.println's from codebase Print object.changeState I don't think it happen but chances are the println executes a method that is actually performing..
Making a private method public to unit test it…good idea? be private if making the method public bothers you chances are it is because it is part of a separate reponsibility it..
Hibernate 4: persisting InheritanceType.JOINED discriminator column values Hibernate 4 https browse HHH 4358 so chances are it's supposed to work that way. I then found http
Copy/Paste not working in a signed Applet to an earlier version of the plug in. That will work but chances are all future releases will still keep copy and paste disabled..