

java Programming Glossary: cfm

How to run a JAR file


version 1.0 Main Class Test Then run javac Test.java jar cfm test.jar manifest.mf Test.class java jar test.jar Output Hello..

“Could not find the main class: XX. Program will exit.”


file named MyJar.jar by entering the following command jar cfm MyJar.jar Manifest.txt MyPackage .class This creates the JAR..

How to set Icon to a JLabel from an image from a folder?


~ c Mine JAVA J2SE src packageexample build jar cfm imagecombo.jar .. manifest.txt Now take this JAR File to any..

Calling clojure from java


and the Clojure jar. C projects com.domain.tiny target jar cfm Interop.jar Manifest.txt Main.class lib com.domain.tiny 0.1.0..

Why has it failed to load main-class manifest attribute from a JAR file?


How to make an executable jar file?


example if you name your manifest file as jexample.mf jar cfm jarexample.jar jexample.mf .class It will create executable..

Creating a jar file from a Scala file


sourcepath src d bin src foo HelloWorld.scala CD bin jar cfm .. hellow.jar .. MANIFEST.MF . CD .. java jar hellow.jar In.. sourcepath src d bin src foo HelloWorld.scala cd bin jar cfm .. hellow.jar .. MANIFEST.MF cd .. java jar hellow.jar share..

java eclipse create executable jar


to compile jar. javac classpath external jars .java jar cfm a name .jar manifest .class external jars It can generate jar...

“Could not find the main class” error when running jar exported by Eclipse


my side as follows C Mine Eclipse TicTacToe bin jar cfm .. tictactoe.jar .. manifest.txt tictactoe icons Here the first..