java Programming Glossary: build.dir
Bamboo Ant Task fails when running junit task test.src.dir location kingdom builder test property name build.dir location bin property name location testreport.. kingdom builder libs junit 4.10.jar pathelement location build.dir path Compiles the java code including the usage of library for.. target name compile test javac srcdir test.src.dir destdir build.dir includeantruntime false classpath refid junit.class.path javac..
Creating a bundle jar with ant lib.dir includes .jar path target name compile mkdir dir build.dir javac srcdir src.dir destdir build.dir classpathref jars debug.. compile mkdir dir build.dir javac srcdir src.dir destdir build.dir classpathref jars debug on target share improve this answer..
Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant value 1.6 property name source value 1.6 property name build.dir value bin property name src.dir value src property name lib.dir.. name lib.dir value .. jars property name classes.dir value build.dir classes property name jar.dir value build.dir jar property name.. value build.dir classes property name jar.dir value build.dir jar property name jar.file value jar.dir seraph.jar property..
Getting Ant <javac> to recognise a classpath include name servlet .jar fileset pathelement path build.dir path ... javac destdir build.dir src path src.dir classpath.. fileset pathelement path build.dir path ... javac destdir build.dir src path src.dir classpath refid master classpath javac share..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml unless project.version ivy deliver deliverpattern build.dir ivy.xml pubrevision project.version status release ivy makepom.. project.version status release ivy makepom ivyfile build.dir ivy.xml pomfile build.dir ivy.module .pom target target name.. release ivy makepom ivyfile build.dir ivy.xml pomfile build.dir ivy.module .pom target target name publish depends build prepare..