java Programming Glossary: bufferedimage.translucent
Event detection on opaque pixels in JButton throws Exception BufferedImage bi bi new BufferedImage w h BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D bi.createGraphics g2d.setRenderingHint..
Tinting Image in Java improvement null BufferedImage tinted new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D graphics Graphics2D tinted.getGraphics graphics.drawImage.. 0 0 0 0 BufferedImage tint new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT for int i 0 i width i for int j 0 j height j if tinted.getRGB..
How can I set the priority mouse listener new BufferedImage component.getWidth component.getHeight BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics g img.getGraphics component.paintAll g return img ..
Scale the ImageIcon automatically to label size int height BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D bi.createGraphics g2d.addRenderingHints..
Convert a JPanel to an image in a JScrollPane new BufferedImage component.getWidth component.getHeight BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D img.getGraphics g2d.setRenderingHint.. new BufferedImage component.getWidth component.getHeight BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT CellRendererPane crp new CellRendererPane crp.add component.. new BufferedImage component.getWidth component.getHeight BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D img.getGraphics g2d.setRenderingHint..
Applying a tint to an image in java img new BufferedImage loadImg.getWidth loadImg.getHeight BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT Graphics2D graphics img.createGraphics Color newColor new Color..