

java Programming Glossary: bug_id

Not supported platforms for java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop()


Gnome only from http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 6486393 This article however says that even Gnome support is..

Workaround for Apache Ant Install Bug


you please share http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 7077696 1 Run with Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack true add a firewall..

How to compile mavenized OSGi 4.3 bundle with OpenJDK 7?


such class files http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 7078419 Starting with R5 OSGi will no longer ship target jsr14..

Java String.substring method potential memory leak?


changed since Java 7u6 . See http bugs.sun.com view_bug.do bug_id 4513622 . The original assumptions around the String object..

NullPointerException in invokeLater while running through Java Webstart


Bug I submitted http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 8019272 Other related bugs http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do.. related bugs http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 8019274 http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 8028290.. bug_id 8019274 http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 8028290 http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 8017770..

Get subprocess id in Java


API for this see http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 4244896 but there are workarounds. A first workaround would..

ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment


this question Looks like http bugs.sun.com view_bug.do bug_id 6476706 which has low priority and is still not fixed. Definitely..

Why is it a bad practice to call System.gc?


System.gc does nothing view http bugs.sun.com view_bug.do bug_id 6668279 and in particular that there's a XX DisableExplicitGC..

How to unmap a file from memory mapped using FileChannel in java?


as RFE to sun some time back http bugs.sun.com view_bug.do bug_id 4724038 java memory mapped files share improve this question..

Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories?


view_bug.do jsessionid db7fcf25bcce13541c4289edeb4 bug_id 4285834 and doesn't have a work around. They just say this has..

Alternative to File.exists() in Java


bug in Java http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 5003595 I'm pretty much in the same exact situation as described..

Reference is ambiguous with generics


a bug in javac http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 7031404 https bugs.eclipse.org bugs show_bug.cgi id 340506 ..

Killing a process using Java


terminated see http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 4770092 . On the other hand if you want to kill external processes..

How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole?


636 see http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 6754672 Also be careful with Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate..

Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address?


this same matter http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do bug_id 4921816 Part 1 A reproducible example of the problem Note that..