java Programming Glossary: buildfile
Running ANT Programmatically Through Java metricsProject.addReference ant.projectHelper helper File buildFile int totalFolders projectFolders.length for int index 0 index.. for int index 0 index totalFolders index buildFile new File projectFolders index buildXMLFileName if buildFile.isFile.. new File projectFolders index buildXMLFileName if buildFile.isFile helper.parse metricsProject buildFile metricsProject.setProperty..
Is it possible to call Ant or NSIS scripts from Java code? to the Running Ant via Java section and this article File buildFile new File build.xml Project p new Project p.setUserProperty ant.file.. build.xml Project p new Project p.setUserProperty ant.file buildFile.getAbsolutePath p.init ProjectHelper helper ProjectHelper.getProjectHelper.. p.addReference ant.projectHelper helper helper.parse p buildFile p.executeTarget p.getDefaultTarget Update I tried with the following..
Run ant from Java so far Project p new Project p.setUserProperty ant.file buildFile.getAbsolutePath p.fireBuildStarted p.init p.executeTarget default.. project new Project ProjectHelper.configureProject project buildFile DefaultLogger consoleLogger new DefaultLogger consoleLogger.setErrorPrintStream.. question might help See this article and this article File buildFile new File build.xml Project p new Project p.setUserProperty ant.file..