java Programming Glossary: base64.decodebase64
base64 encoding in java encodedBytes new String encodedBytes byte decodedBytes Base64.decodeBase64 encodedBytes System.out.println decodedBytes new String decodedBytes..
work sun.misc.BASE64Encoder/Decoder for getting byte[]
Problem with AES-256 between Java and PHP byte crypted null try SecretKeySpec skey new SecretKeySpec Base64.decodeBase64 key AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES ECB PKCS5Padding.. byte output null try SecretKeySpec skey new SecretKeySpec Base64.decodeBase64 key AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES ECB PKCS5Padding.. cipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE skey output cipher.doFinal Base64.decodeBase64 input catch Exception e return new String output Running public..