

java Programming Glossary: baos.write

PDF to byte array and vice versa


int bytesRead while bytesRead stream.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 bytesRead return baos.toByteArray Then you'd call it..

Facebook Connect example in JSP (tomcat)


InputStream is url.openStream int r while r is.read 1 baos.write r return new String baos.toByteArray private User authFacebookLogin.. InputStream is url.openStream int r while r is.read 1 baos.write r return new String baos.toByteArray private User authFacebookLogin..

create imageview from base64.decode


baos new ByteArrayOutputStream gzipBuff.length baos.write gzipBuff Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream memstream ImageView..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


numRead is2.read buf while numRead 1 baos.write buf 0 numRead numRead is2.read buf 0 buf.length totalRead..

Reading website's contents into string


byte buf new byte 8192 int len 0 while len in.read buf 1 baos.write buf 0 len String body new String baos.toByteArray encoding ..

How to clone an InputStream?


buffer new byte 1024 int len while len input.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 len baos.flush Open new InputStreams using the recorded..

Retrieve image from blob via Hibernate (not JDBC)


try while dataSize is.read buf 1 baos.write buf 0 dataSize finally if is null is.close return baos.toByteArray..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


numRead is2.read buf while numRead 1 baos.write buf 0 numRead numRead is2.read buf 0 buf.length totalRead..