

java Programming Glossary: basicclientcookie

Apache HttpClient 4.0.3 - how do I set cookie with sessionID for POST request


postData CookieStore cookieStore new BasicCookieStore BasicClientCookie cookie new BasicClientCookie JSESSIONID getSessionId cookieStore.addCookie.. new BasicCookieStore BasicClientCookie cookie new BasicClientCookie JSESSIONID getSessionId cookieStore.addCookie cookie client.setCookieStore..

How to parse a cookie string


I see there are several different Cookie classes such as BasicClientCookie available but I don't see any easy way to parse the string into.. I believe you'll have to parse it out manually. Try this BasicClientCookie parseRawCookie String rawCookie throws Exception String rawCookieParams.. 0 .trim String cookieValue rawCookieNameAndValue 1 .trim BasicClientCookie cookie new BasicClientCookie cookieName cookieValue for int..