

java Programming Glossary: baos

PDF to byte array and vice versa


byte buffer new byte 8192 ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream int bytesRead while bytesRead stream.read.. int bytesRead while bytesRead stream.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 bytesRead return baos.toByteArray Then you'd.. stream.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 bytesRead return baos.toByteArray Then you'd call it with public static byte loadFile..

How to serialize an object into a string


Serializable o throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ObjectOutputStream oos new ObjectOutputStream.. ObjectOutputStream oos new ObjectOutputStream baos oos.writeObject o oos.close return new String Base64Coder.encode.. o oos.close return new String Base64Coder.encode baos.toByteArray Test subject. A very simple class. class SomeClass..

In Java: How to zip file from byte[] array?


byte input throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ZipOutputStream zos new ZipOutputStream.. ZipOutputStream zos new ZipOutputStream baos ZipEntry entry new ZipEntry filename entry.setSize input.length..

convert html to image in byte array java


the byte array of the image as jpeg ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ImageIO.write image jpg baos byte.. baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ImageIO.write image jpg baos byte bytes baos.toByteArray .... If you would like to just write.. ImageIO.write image jpg baos byte bytes baos.toByteArray .... If you would like to just write it to a file..

Facebook Connect example in JSP (tomcat)


readURL URL url throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream InputStream is url.openStream int.. InputStream is url.openStream int r while r is.read 1 baos.write r return new String baos.toByteArray private User authFacebookLogin.. int r while r is.read 1 baos.write r return new String baos.toByteArray private User authFacebookLogin String accessToken..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


2 16 int totalRead 0 int numRead 0 ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream numRead is2.read buf while numRead.. numRead is2.read buf while numRead 1 baos.write buf 0 numRead numRead is2.read buf 0 buf.length totalRead.. buf 0 buf.length totalRead numRead is2.close audioData baos.toByteArray AudioFormat afTemp if format.getChannels 2 afTemp..

how to download image from any web page in java


How to clone an InputStream?


ByteArrayInputStream s as you like. ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream Fake code simulating the copy You.. buffer new byte 1024 int len while len input.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 len baos.flush Open new InputStreams using the.. len while len input.read buffer 1 baos.write buffer 0 len baos.flush Open new InputStreams using the recorded bytes Can be..

GZip POST request with HTTPClient in Java


JVM memory String foo value ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream GZIPOutputStream gzos null try gzos.. GZIPOutputStream gzos null try gzos new GZIPOutputStream baos gzos.write foo.getBytes UTF 8 finally if gzos null try gzos.close.. gzos.close catch IOException ignore byte fooGzippedBytes baos.toByteArray Then you can send it as a multipart body using HttpClient..

Android: how to display camera preview with callback?


as a Bitmap. It works but the performance is about 6fps. baos new ByteOutputStream yuvimage new YuvImage cameraFrame ImageFormat.NV21.. null yuvimage.compressToJpeg new Rect 0 0 prevX prevY 80 baos jdata baos.toByteArray bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray jdata.. new Rect 0 0 prevX prevY 80 baos jdata baos.toByteArray bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray jdata 0 jdata.length..

How to return a PNG image from Jersey REST service method to the browser


... BufferedImage image ... ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ImageIO.write image png baos byte.. baos new ByteArrayOutputStream ImageIO.write image png baos byte imageData baos.toByteArray uncomment line below to send.. ImageIO.write image png baos byte imageData baos.toByteArray uncomment line below to send non streamed return..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


2^16 int totalRead 0 int numRead 0 ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream numRead is2.read buf while numRead.. numRead is2.read buf while numRead 1 baos.write buf 0 numRead numRead is2.read buf 0 buf.length totalRead.. buf 0 buf.length totalRead numRead is2.close audioData baos.toByteArray AudioFormat afTemp if format.getChannels 2 afTemp..