java Programming Glossary: appusermodelid
Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar became interested in embedding a Application User Model ID AppUserModelID into my Java application. I believe that I can resolve this.. I believe that I can resolve this by passing a unique AppUserModelID to Windows. There is a shell32 method for this SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID.. is a shell32 method for this SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID . Following Gregory Pakosz suggestion I implemented it in an..
Using JNA to get/set application identifier . I presently have the following JNA code to obtain the AppUserModelID public class AppIdTest public static void main String args NativeLibrary.. .getBytes UTF 16 functionName GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID function lib.getFunction functionName Output the current AppId.. 0 functionName SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID function lib.getFunction functionName Set the new AppId int..
Pinning a Java application using Launch4j to the Windows 7 taskbar request You need to create an icon shortcut that embeds AppUserModelID information. InnoSetup can create such icon shortcut under Icons.. Icons section. Supply the application name assigned to AppUserModelID via JNA. Suggested links to read How to make .exe file for izpack.. option menu to create a pinned icon. If you don't set AppUserModelID this is not possible even it will cause a weird behavior like..