java Programming Glossary: applicationwide
Passing turkish char from form to java class with struts2 1 and 5 @page pageEncoding UTF 8 This can also be set applicationwide by the following web.xml configuration setting so that you don't..
UTF-8 text (Hindi) not getting displayed on Browser window or Eclipse console either @page pageEncoding UTF 8 in every individual JSP or applicationwide by jsp config jsp property group url pattern .jsp url pattern..
Design Patterns web based applications The actions in turn should be some static applicationwide Map String Action which holds all known actions. It's up to..
How to reference constants in EL? or maybe #importPackage . For JSP you can configure that applicationwide in a servlet context listener as follows @WebListener public.. ... For JSF you can configure that applicationwide in an application scoped bean as follows @ManagedBean eager..
Closing JDBC Connections in Pool startup in some constructor initialization of an applicationwide DB config class. Then just call getConnection on the one and..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? . This is useful whenever the values are actually applicationwide constants which you just have to load only once during application's..