java Programming Glossary: applicationcontextaware
Getting Spring Application Context in the container just implement the BeanFactoryAware or ApplicationContextAware interfaces. If an object outside the container needs access..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? public class ApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware private static ApplicationContext context @Override public void..
Doesn't Spring really support Interface injection at all? an article about IOC by Martin Fowler link it seems using ApplicationContextAware in Spring is some what similar to the Interface injection. when.. reference is required in our Spring bean we'll implement ApplicationContextAware and will implement the setApplicationContext ApplicationContext.. and others with the interfaces ResourceLoaderAware ApplicationContextAware MessageSourceAware respectively. It is also possible to extend..
Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization hold a reference to the ApplicationContext by implementing ApplicationContextAware so this can effectively mean that the whole context is serialized...
Spring + EntityManagerFactory +Hibernate Listeners + Injection ContextHelper public final class ContextHelper implements ApplicationContextAware private static final ContextHelper INSTANCE new ContextHelper..
TaskScheduler, @Scheduled and quartz implements EmbeddedValueResolverAware ApplicationContextAware ApplicationListener ContextRefreshedEvent private Scheduler.. extends SpringBeanJobFactory implements ApplicationContextAware private SchedulerContext schedulerContext private ApplicationContext..
Spring @Transaction not starting transactions @Transactional public class ServiceLocatorImpl implements ApplicationContextAware Serializable ServletContextAware ServiceLocator public ResultObject..