java Programming Glossary: ant
How do I speed up the gwt compiler? as a java application from ant Ant target with 256m max heap and lots of stack space. The compiler.. fork true and the latest Java 6 JRE to try and take advantage of Java6's improved performance. We pass our main controller.. hacks here and there but you're not going to get significantly better performance. A nice performance hack you can do is..
Do you obfuscate your commercial Java code? one project that actually had an obfuscating step in the ant build step for releases. Do you obfuscate And if so why do you..
Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line I'm trying to automate my build using FinalBuilder not ant and I'm neither a Java nor Eclipse expert. I can probably figure.. Guys I'm looking for an answer that does NOT include ant. Let me re iterate the original question ....... Is there a..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android anyone know how I can amend this java android eclipse ant build share improve this question I had this problem after.. build path and rename my lib folder to libs . This is an ant convention and seems to be the way the new ADT finds and includes..
Why is javac failing on @Override annotation with this. But when I build from the command line with ant running javac I get this error javac C path project src com.. under Java 1.6. Cruise Control is running Java 1.5. My ant build fails regardless of which version of Java I use. java..
How to set java_home on Windows 7? second C Users Derek Desktop eclipse eclipse glassfish lib ant bin ant f setup.xml Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to.. Users Derek Desktop eclipse eclipse glassfish lib ant bin ant f setup.xml Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it..
Configuring Spring Security 3.x to have multiple entry points password field. If the user selects employee then I want Spring Security to authenticate them against LDAP otherwise.. to j_spring_security_check_for_customer The reason I want 2 different form logins is to allow me to handle the authentication.. sec filter chain map path type ant sec filter chain pattern filters authenticationProcessingFilterForEmployee..
Clean way to combine multiple jars? Preferably using Ant http message zijbwm46maxzzoo5 Roughly I want something along the lines of the following which would combine.. rules . jar combine out out.jar in lib .jar java ant jar share improve this question Just use zipgroupfileset..
Run ant from Java ant from Java Is there a tutorial on how to run Ant from Java I.. what I have so far Project p new Project p.setUserProperty ant.file buildFile.getAbsolutePath p.fireBuildStarted p.init p.executeTarget.. does not exist in the project null . at 1912 at
How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java? directory path. I suppose I can look the source for ant since it uses wildcard syntax but I must be missing something..
Exclude code from code coverage with Cobertura exclude excludes instrumentation configuration And for ant see this . cobertura instrument todir instrumented.dir ignore..
SSH library for Java Channel JSCH is a very popular library used by maven ant and eclipse. It is open source with a BSD style license. share..
How to create war files tomcat war share improve this question You can use Ant to set up compile WAR and deploy your solution. target name.. You can then execute one click in Eclipse to run that Ant target. Here are examples of each of the steps Preconditions..
How do I speed up the gwt compiler? as a java application from ant Ant target with 256m max heap and lots of stack space. The compiler.. heap and lots of stack space. The compiler is launched by Ant using fork true and the latest Java 6 JRE to try and take advantage..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server for a few large open source projects including Eclipse Ant and Apache Commons HttpClient amongst others. It supports both..
Embed a JRE in a Windows executable? all its external dependencies in a single file with some Ant hacking . Now suppose I want to distribute it as an .exe file..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code in the project. Standard projects use an IDE generated Ant build script to build run and debug your project. Addendum Use..
How do I extract a tar file in Java? a tar API directly but tar and bzip2 are implemented in Ant you could borrow their implementation or possibly use Ant to.. Ant you could borrow their implementation or possibly use Ant to do what you need. Gzip is part of Java SE and I'm guessing.. you need. Gzip is part of Java SE and I'm guessing the Ant implementation follows the same model . GZIPInputStream is just..
Clean way to combine multiple jars? Preferably using Ant way to combine multiple jars Preferably using Ant I have runtime dependencies on some external jars that I would.. improve this question Just use zipgroupfileset with the Ant Zip task zip destfile out.jar zipgroupfileset dir lib includes..
Run ant from Java ant from Java Is there a tutorial on how to run Ant from Java I got some code from here Setting JAVA_HOME when running.. I got some code from here Setting JAVA_HOME when running Ant from Java But haven't been able to make it work. I've been trying.. improve this question Is there a tutorial on how to run Ant from Java Part of my answer to this question might help See..
What are good InstallAnywhere replacements for installing a Java EE application? be automated so that installer building is triggered from Ant. With install4j it literally took me just five minutes to learn..
How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java? this question Consider DirectoryScanner from Apache Ant DirectoryScanner scanner new DirectoryScanner scanner.setIncludes..
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file environment oss probably should make a nice build using Ant . Maven so far has just given me pain but others love it. java..
Continuous Integration Servers [closed] to maintain etc... Our code is all in java and we use ANT as a build tool. java continuous integration share improve..
any experience with “Play” java web development framework? [closed] Hibernate API GORM unit tests GUnit and build scripts GANT . You can even write shell scripts in Groovy. So being able.. Python for its build scripts. But I agree that Grails' GANT scripts run pretty slow. Plus I find that while GANT is a huge.. GANT scripts run pretty slow. Plus I find that while GANT is a huge improvement over XML ANT it's still hard to wrap your..
SASS implementation for Java? [closed] maven ant jruby sass share improve this question With ANT Download JRuby complete jar file JRuby Complete jar download..
How to debug Java code when using ANT script in Eclipse to debug Java code when using ANT script in Eclipse I have a java class and I need to debug it.. it put breakpoints and continue using F6 . I am using ANT script to init build deploy and run the code. I am using javac..
JDK tools.jar as maven dependency java.home .. lib tools.jar like it is possible to do with ANT . Does someone has an idea java maven 2 jdk tools.jar share..
How do I automatically export a WAR after Java build in Eclipse? it. I know I can do this with a custom build script using ANT but I am hoping for an Eclipse native solution. I have the J2EE..
How to add resources to classpath tradeoff between functionality and comfort. I override the ANT target from the auto generated 'build impl.xml' file which creates.. this folder in the dist folder after the build or add a ANT target to copy the required resources in the dist folder. Add..
Test for floating point equality. (FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY) FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY I am using a findbugs in an ANT script and I can't figure out how to fix two of my errors. I..
Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository? bill password ENC hXiMYkpsPY7j3aIh 2 vfQ The following ANT target will decrypt any encrypted ANT properties target name.. 2 vfQ The following ANT target will decrypt any encrypted ANT properties target name decrypt taskdef name groovy classname..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml What you really need to do is publish the jars built by ANT project into your Maven repository. ant Dproject.version 0.9.0.. clean publish I know you don't want to change the ANT build but creating an extra publish target will properly integrate.. an extra publish target will properly integrate your ANT and Maven projects. The two jar artifacts published by your..
Can't execute jar- file: “no main manifest attribute” several ways to get this built automatically either with ANT or Maven. For Maven something like the following snippet should..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup Android is ignoring the build path and instead using the ANT defaults. I solved this by removing my jar file from the build..