java Programming Glossary: apart
Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour/zeroconf apart from JMDNS? there any other Java libraries for bonjour zeroconf apart from JMDNS Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour zeroconf.. Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour zeroconf apart from JMDNS java bonjour zeroconf share improve this question..
any experience with “Play” java web development framework? [closed] is based. So the promise of everything's Groovy falls apart anyway. That being the case I see where the Play team is coming..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] it looks very old. The only promising avenue is to pull apart Openfire which is an entire commercial OSS XMPP server. I was..
Java operator precedence guidelines can remember any of the other rules of precedence So apart from the specific case of vs I'd really just use brackets to..
Pure Java HTML viewer / renderer less common tags or more complicated layout Cobra falls apart pretty quickly. Flying Saucer is last updated Feb 2011 as of..
Do I need to store the salt with bcrypt?
Is it bad practice to use Reflection in Unit testing? that using Reflection in general results in code which apart from being harder to understand and maintain is also more fragile...
Is 1/0 a legal Java expression? Yes. What does JLS say about it Nothing specific ... apart from saying that division by zero will result in a runtime exception...
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC have a Mastermind game in a single file working fine maybe apart of the fact that Check button is invisible at start . http
How does autowiring work in spring? the only implementor or UserService it will be injected. apart from the @Autowired annotation spring can use xml configurable..
Java - getting rid of accents and converting them to regular letters getting rid of accents and making those letters regular apart from using String.replaceAll method and replacing letters one..
Java: notify() vs. notifyAll() all over again notifyAll then a lot of explanations will pop up leaving apart the javadoc paragraphs . It all boils down to the number of..
Java Object default toString that might allow you to tell different arbitrary objects apart in Java. It's not necessarily unique but equal objects normally.. so that you can hopefully tell different object instances apart. Since it is also used by default in error messages this makes..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger create confusion with octal numbers . So we need to break apart our beautiful for each loop and use a different formatting string..
NetBeans Tips and Tricks [closed] Ctrl F9 Evaluate expression Very useful while debugging apart from the value of variables displayed on hover Alt Shift O Goto..
How does a HashMap work in Java?
Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? which parses two date strings referencing times one second apart and compares them public static void main String args throws..
Print full call stack on printStackTrace()? ask Java to print the entire call stack in the stacktrace Apart from my situation do common logging frameworks have option for..
Java error: Comparison method violates its general contract 1 depending on which id was bigger. Take a look at this. Apart from being much more readable I think it should actually work..
Cannot convert current canvas data into image in java in JAVA java image png share improve this question Apart from making sure the the component sized properly use JComponent#print..
Java EE programmers do not write to files the restrictions over the Java EE programming model. Apart from the point mentionned above Security Portability Clustering..
Proper usage of JDBC Connection Pool (Glassfish) java ee glassfish jndi share improve this question Apart from the C style formatting a few unnecessary lines and a bit..
Java Font Rendering it's FontRenderContext and then get the AA hint from that. Apart from involving Swing in a program that otherwise makes absolutely..
Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use? DIGIT . _ ~ pct encoded HEXDIG HEXDIG sub delims ' Apart from these restrictions the fragment part has no defined structure..
What is the difference between HashSet and HashMap…? is the difference between HashSet and HashMap&hellip Apart from the fact that HashSet does not allow duplicate values what..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP the webserver who has to include them from disk somehow. Apart from changing the relative URLs to make them relative to the..
How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII data to go on. Fortunately our files are seldom small. Apart from the random README file most are in the size range of 50k..
How to write a self-updating program in Java? takes care of fetching the newest version from a server. Apart from that you can download updated classes and replace them..
Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable? 1.5 long after java.lang.Number was initially implemented. Apart from mutability there are probably other considerations here..
uploading of pdf file teaches bad practices. Add that site to your blacklist. Apart from the fact that you incorrectly used .html file extension..
Creating a “logical exclusive or” operator in Java does have a logical XOR operator it is ^ as in a ^ b . Apart from that you can't define new operators in Java. Edit Here's..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? so it's hard to give a straight answer to your question. Apart from that I would suggest to not do it the hard and error prone..
Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore? explicitly set references A B or B C to null for example. Apart from that most of the time the issue doesn't really arise because..
Tool to convert java to c# code [closed] best tool out there at the moment to convert java to c# Apart from j2ctranslator j# I use IKVM at the moment. c# java share..