java Programming Glossary: annotated
How do I read all classes from a Java package in the classpath? will do it. Find all classes in a package that are annotated with XmlRootElement private List Class findMyTypes String basePackage..
Why is not possible to extend annotations in Java? example fall into this category. These programs will read annotated classes without loading them into the virtual machine but will..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse implementing interface methods which in Java 1.6 can be annotated with @Override however in Java 1.5 @override could only be applied..
Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml? elements application doesn't see entities all classes are annotated with @Entity . Is there any automatic mechanism to scan for.. class properties Scan for annotated classes and Hibernate mapping XML files property name hibernate.archive.autodetection..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? autowired share improve this question The field annotated @Autowired is null because Spring doesn't know about the copy..
How to run all tests belonging to a certain Category in JUnit 4 would like to know how I can actually run all the tests annotated with certain category. The JUnit 4.8 release notes show an example..
Scanning Java annotations at runtime is the best way of searching the whole classpath for an annotated class I'm doing a library and I want to allow the users to annotate..
What is @ModelAttribute in Spring MVC? [closed] person public Person getPerson return new Person This annotated method will allow access to the Person object in your View since..
Validate JAXBElement in JPA/JAX-RS Web Service were autogenerated from the database tables and I have annotated them with JAXB annotations so that they can be marshalled unmarshalled..
How to run test methods in specific order in JUnit4? order in JUnit4 I want to execute test methods which are annotated by @Test in specific order. For example public class MyTest..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 by the new JSF 2.0 annotations. Any managed bean can be annotated by @ManagedBean @ManagedBean name managedBeanName @RequestScoped.. it will be # someBean . Any managed property can be annotated using @ManagedProperty @ManagedProperty # otherBean private.. otherBean private OtherBean otherBean Any validator can be annotated using @FacesValidator @FacesValidator someValidator public class..
JPA/Hibernate store date in UTC time zone time in the database as UTC GMT time zone Consider this annotated JPA entity public class Event @Id public int id @Temporal TemporalType.TIMESTAMP..
JSF 2.0 File upload entity that has an attribute of type byte and it is also annotated with a @Lob annotation. I created an EJB that will introduce..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? inject an @EJB in a JSF converter normally one would have annotated it as @FacesConverter forClass User.class but that unfortunately..
Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan> you have annotations. As a final example keeping the annotated classes A B and C and adding the following to the XML what will..