java Programming Glossary: annotationmethodhandleradapter
How to unit test a Spring MVC controller using @PathVariable? MockHttpServletRequest request.setRequestURI test.html new AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter .handle request new MockHttpServletResponse new MyController.. new MyController assert something The problem is that AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.handler method throws an exception java.lang.IllegalStateException.. at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter ServletHandlerMethodInvoker.resolvePathVariable
Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all? processed the request. RequestMappingHandlerAdapter vs AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter RequestMappingHandlerAdapter is the new mapping handler for.. the new mapping handler for Spring framework that replaced AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter since Spring 3.1. If your existing configuration is still in.. Spring 3.1. If your existing configuration is still in AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter you might find this post useful. The config provided in my post..
Mapping restful ajax requests to spring these annotations you should configure these converters in AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter as described in the reference you probably need MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter..
Who sets response content-type in Spring MVC (@ResponseBody) bean is not enough you need to inject it into AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter bean class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.. bean class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter property name messageConverters array bean class org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter.. but ugly method is to intercept instantiation of the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter with BeanPostProcessor public class EncodingPostProcessor implements..
How to pass a session attribute as method argument (parameter) with Spring MVC idea is to register a custom WebArgumentResolver for the AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter which handles a custom annotation @SessionAttribute or @SessionParam..
Spring Web MVC - validate individual request params usually just from the http header. The dispatcher servlet AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter really doesn't have a way to 'flip the validation switch' for..
Testing Spring MVC annotation mapppings spring mvc share improve this question You could use AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter and its handle method programmatically. This will resolve the.. response private MyController controller private AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter adapter @Before public void setUp controller EasyMock.createNiceMock.. EasyMock.createNiceMock MyController.class adapter new AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter request new MockHttpServletRequest response new MockHttpServletResponse..
Where do I specify Jackson SerializationConfig.Feature settings in Spring 3.1 SPR 7504 Make it easier to add new Message Converters to AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter Exemple bean id jacksonObjectMapper class x.y.z.CustomObjectMapper..