c++ Programming Glossary: xmin
OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315551/opencv-2-3-c-how-to-isolate-object-inside-image minFound 1 CvRect findBB IplImage imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax.. findBB IplImage imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc ymin ymax.. int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc ymin ymax aux cvRect xmin ymin xmax xmin ymax..
vector::erase with pointer member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2677770/vectorerase-with-pointer-member double hFactor char shapeNum double visibleShape int xmin xmax ymin ymax Hyp int xx int yy double ww double hh char s.. hFactor other.hFactor shapeNum other.shapeNum xmin other.xmin xmax other.xmax ymin other.ymin ymax other.ymax int.. hFactor other.hFactor shapeNum other.shapeNum xmin other.xmin xmax other.xmax ymin other.ymin ymax other.ymax int visShapeSize..
How to initialize nested structures in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/629433/how-to-initialize-nested-structures-in-c Box STRUCTURE struct BoundingBox Point ymax ymin xmax xmin PLAYER STRUCTURE struct Player vector float x players xcoords.. box.ymax 5 create bounding box box.ymin 1 box.xmax 5 box.xmin 1 1 1 1 red green blue 0.0f 0.0f r_leg l_leg 4 4 4 number points..