c++ Programming Glossary: xmm
Compilation fails with OpenMP on Mac OS X Lion (memcpy and SSE intrinsics) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12932107/compilation-fails-with-openmp-on-mac-os-x-lion-memcpy-and-sse-intrinsics call that takes 3 arguments one integer in eax and two XMM arguments in xmm0 and xmm1 with the result being returned in..
Possible compiler bug in Visual C++ 2012 (x86)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13051930/possible-compiler-bug-in-visual-c-2012-x86 the calling function is expecting it in the SSE register XMM0 . Question am I missing something obvious or is this really.. to retrieve it from the stack and store it in an XMM register. But the optimizer inappropriate removes that code.. it assumes that the function result was already stored in XMM0. A workaround is hard to come by specializing the template..
Convert inline assembly code to C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16142284/convert-inline-assembly-code-to-c in general purpose registers plus some float type args in XMM registers . You therefore need to know more about the signature.. but also how many are in general purpose regs how many in XMM regs and how many on the stack. The call a func through a pointer..
Looking for sse 128 bit shift operation for non-immediate shift value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9980801/looking-for-sse-128-bit-shift-operation-for-non-immediate-shift-value of what's going on. #include emmintrin.h typedef __m128i XMM #define xmbshl x n _mm_slli_si128 x n xm 8 n BYTE shift #define.. a b _mm_xor_si128 a b #define xmzero _mm_setzero_si128 XMM xm_shl XMM x unsigned nbits These macros generate 1 2 5 6 SSE2.. a b #define xmzero _mm_setzero_si128 XMM xm_shl XMM x unsigned nbits These macros generate 1 2 5 6 SSE2 instructions..