c++ Programming Glossary: xbee_tx_b
Extra bytes when declaring a member of a struct as uint32_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7970383/extra-bytes-when-declaring-a-member-of-a-struct-as-uint32-t order_index uint16_t total_packets uint8_t rf_data xbee_tx_b int main int argc char argv xbee_tx_a a cout size of xbee_tx_a.. of xbee_tx_a.rf_data sizeof a.rf_data std endl cout n xbee_tx_b b cout size of xbee_tx_b sizeof xbee_tx_b std endl cout size.. a.rf_data std endl cout n xbee_tx_b b cout size of xbee_tx_b sizeof xbee_tx_b std endl cout size of xbee_tx_b.api_id sizeof..