c++ Programming Glossary: xinternatom
How to identify top-level X11 windows using xlib? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201179/how-to-identify-top-level-x11-windows-using-xlib For reference the code I'm using is listed below Atom a XInternAtom m_pDisplay _NET_CLIENT_LIST true Atom actualType int format..
How a draw a string in a splash screen by Xlib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16688368/how-a-draw-a-string-in-a-splash-screen-by-xlib s 10 10 480 320 0 BlackPixel d s WhitePixel d s Atom type XInternAtom d _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE False Atom value XInternAtom d _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH.. type XInternAtom d _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE False Atom value XInternAtom d _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH False XChangeProperty d w type.. interest in the delete window message Atom wmDeleteMessage XInternAtom d WM_DELETE_WINDOW False XSetWMProtocols d w wmDeleteMessage..