c++ Programming Glossary: visualize
HOG features visualisation with OpenCV, HOGDescriptor in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10862542/hog-features-visualisation-with-opencv-hogdescriptor-in-c compute the feature vectors of an images. I would like to visualize the features in the source image. Can anyone help me c opencv.. function is easy but there is no built in functionality to visualize it. Finally I managed to understand how the gradient orientation..
Open-source tool to visualize C/C++ header file dependencies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190597/open-source-tool-to-visualize-c-c-header-file-dependencies source tool to visualize C C header file dependencies What I'm looking for is a tool..
return value (not a reference) from the function, bound to a const reference in the calling function; how is its lifetime extended to the scope of the calling function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2615162/return-value-not-a-reference-from-the-function-bound-to-a-const-reference-in For the Most Important const An example that might help visualize what's going on #include iostream #include string class foo..
Implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2899207/implementing-dijkstras-algorithm me to understand it but I just can't for the life of me visualize the code that would realize such a thing. Any suggestions tips..
How does a compiled C++ class look like? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211262/how-does-a-compiled-c-class-look-like background in assemble instructions and C programs I can visualize how a compiled function would look like but it's funny I have..
Data Structures… so how do I understand them? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3345611/data-structures-so-how-do-i-understand-them can provide a little different point of view I learned to visualize and like data structures by being taught that computer memory..
Coding progress bar advice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3658435/coding-progress-bar-advice parse file and validate the contents. In this case I want visualize parsing and validation phases with progress bar. How to do this..
Is it bad practice for a child object to have a pointer to its parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3724092/is-it-bad-practice-for-a-child-object-to-have-a-pointer-to-its-parent as being a tree like graph data structure when you visualize it that way it's quite reasonable for a control to have a pointer..
Best strategy for profiling memory usage of my code (open source) and 3rd party code(closed source) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6192531/best-strategy-for-profiling-memory-usage-of-my-code-open-source-and-3rd-party files or something that can be read by another process to visualize memory usage as the software runs. This is also primarily going..
how provide a vertex_index property for my graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7935417/how-provide-a-vertex-index-property-for-my-graph put propmapIndex v i 3 You can now use graphvize to drow visualize your graph as following ofstream myfile myfile.open example.txt..
track C++ memory allocations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910172/track-c-memory-allocations types as well. The idea is to find memory bottlenecks to visualize what functions threads consume the most memory and should be..
Does an Array variable point to itself? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9132835/does-an-array-variable-point-to-itself takes place with a location in memory I am just unable to visualize things that go on there And where in memory RAM is all the information..