c++ Programming Glossary: voigt
Visual Studio 2012 C++ Standard Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13840942/visual-studio-2012-c-standard-output Linker settings wWinMainCRTStartup In the comments Ben Voigt suggested an alternate method. Using editbin to change the subsystem..
Is vector::insert allowed to reserve only once and avoid further capacity checks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16616253/is-vectorinsert-allowed-to-reserve-only-once-and-avoid-further-capacity-checks 1 which stays valid during `push_back` thanks to Ben Voigt pointing this out dst.insert dst.end 1 beg end doing evil std..
C++ how to delete a structure? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4134323/c-how-to-delete-a-structure
Wrapping FILE* with custom std::ostream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4151504/wrapping-file-with-custom-stdostream c wrapper iostream share improve this question As Ben Voigt points out you want to subclass streambuf . There are pages.. subclass stdiostream of std iostream in spite of what Ben Voigt said. But this does not seem to be necessary as the rdbuf read..
Sharing a global/static variable between a process and DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4911994/sharing-a-global-static-variable-between-a-process-and-dll I could possibly answer your question any better than Ben Voigt answered that post. I have implemented a cross module singleton..
Is there const in C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5248571/is-there-const-in-c keyword. Semantic differences do exist though. As @Ben Voigt already noted in C const declarations do not produce constant..