c++ Programming Glossary: sub
How could pairing new[] with delete possibly lead to memory leak only? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1913343/how-could-pairing-new-with-delete-possibly-lead-to-memory-leak-only the destructors not called didn't free heap allocated sub objects. How could using delete after new possibly lead only.. the freeing of the size bytes then the destructors of the subsequent elements will never be called. This results in leaking.. called. This results in leaking resources allocated by the subsequent elements. Yet because I do free size bytes not sizeof..
How to split a string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236129/how-to-split-a-string-in-c s Somewhere down the road istringstream iss s do string sub iss sub cout Substring sub endl while iss c split c faq stdstring.. down the road istringstream iss s do string sub iss sub cout Substring sub endl while iss c split c faq stdstring.. istringstream iss s do string sub iss sub cout Substring sub endl while iss c split c faq stdstring share improve this..
C/C++ Struct vs Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2750270/c-c-struct-vs-class coercing structs with the same first few fields to be sub superclasses &mdash it's always sort of bolted on and isn't..
Why does C++ compilation take so long? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318398/why-does-c-compilation-take-so-long Add to this that templates make up a full turing complete sub language that the compiler has to interpret and this can become..
How do I use arrays in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810664/how-do-i-use-arrays-in-c second argument since this is equivalent to x n and the sub expression x n technically invokes undefined behavior in C but..
Why do multiple-inherited functions with same name but different signatures not get treated as overloaded functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5368862/why-do-multiple-inherited-functions-with-same-name-but-different-signatures-not for the name in the class and in each of its base class sub objects is considered. A member name f in one sub object B hides.. class sub objects is considered. A member name f in one sub object B hides a member name f in a sub object A if A is a base.. name f in one sub object B hides a member name f in a sub object A if A is a base class sub object of B . Any declarations..
Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473107/operator-precedence-vs-order-of-evaluation example in the expression p 0 q 0 all side effects of the sub expression p 0 are completed before any attempt to access q... J.1 Unspecified behavior it mentions The order in which subexpressions are evaluated and the order in which side effects..
C++ SMTP Example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58210/c-smtp-example char to_id rameshgoli@domain.com char sub testmail r n char wkstr 100 hello how r u r n Send a string.. DATA body to follow send_socket Subject send_socket sub read_socket Recipient OK send_socket wkstr send_socket . r n..
How to find all possible subsets of a given array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679203/how-to-find-all-possible-subsets-of-a-given-array to find all possible subsets of a given array I want to extract all possible sub sets.. subsets of a given array I want to extract all possible sub sets of an array in C# or C and then calculate the sum of all.. an array in C# or C and then calculate the sum of all the sub set arrays' respective elements to check how many of them are..
How should I write ISO C++ Standard conformant custom new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7194127/how-should-i-write-iso-c-standard-conformant-custom-new-and-delete-operators any previously returned value p1 unless that value p1 was sub sequently passed to an operator delete . This gives us further..
Automatically stop Visual C++ 2008 build at first compile error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/134796/automatically-stop-visual-c-2008-build-at-first-compile-error Visual Studio Tools Macros Macro IDE... or ALT F11 Private Sub OutputWindowEvents_OnPaneUpdated ByVal pPane As OutputWindowPane.. If Not pPane.Name Build Then Exit Sub pPane.TextDocument.Selection.SelectAll Dim Context As String..
Can I separate creation and usage locations of compile-time strategies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16067537/can-i-separate-creation-and-usage-locations-of-compile-time-strategies algorithm #include sstream using namespace std struct SubAlgorithm1 void operator int i cout 1 endl struct SubAlgorithm2.. SubAlgorithm1 void operator int i cout 1 endl struct SubAlgorithm2 void operator int i cout 2 endl template typename.. void operator int i cout 2 endl template typename SubAlgorithm typename Collection void Alrogirthm SubAlgorithm f..
Sub-millisecond precision timing in C or C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2904887/sub-millisecond-precision-timing-in-c-or-c millisecond precision timing in C or C What techniques methods..
“Step over” when debugging multithreaded programs in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336628/step-over-when-debugging-multithreaded-programs-in-visual-studio System.Diagnostics Public Module DebugHelperFunctions Sub RunToCursorInMyThread Dim textSelection As EnvDTE.TextSelection.. One Shot Breakpoint For Each bp In bps bp.Delete Next End Sub Sub StepOverInMyThread Dim textSelection As EnvDTE.TextSelection.. Shot Breakpoint For Each bp In bps bp.Delete Next End Sub Sub StepOverInMyThread Dim textSelection As EnvDTE.TextSelection..
Is there any way to make Visual Studio stop indenting namespaces? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3727862/is-there-any-way-to-make-visual-studio-stop-indenting-namespaces . It is not perfect but seems to work so far. Public Sub aftekeypress ByVal key As String ByVal sel As TextSelection.. s w s Then sel.Unindent End If End If End If End If End Sub Since it is running all the time you need to make sure you are..
Is it possible to use boost accumulators with vectors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4316716/is-it-possible-to-use-boost-accumulators-with-vectors user's guide Another example where the Numeric Operators Sub Library is useful is when a type does not define the operator.. vector as a sample or variate type. The Numeric Operators Sub Library defines the necessary operator overloads in the boost..
overloading vs overridding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5406533/overloading-vs-overridding virtual in Base class and overridden for implementation in Sub Classes. I was wondering at a scenario following is the code..
I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8520732/i-dont-want-my-excel-add-in-to-return-an-array-instead-i-need-a-udf-to-change 0 0 1 AddressOf AfterUDFRoutine1 End Function Public Sub AfterUDFRoutine1 ' This is the first of two timer routines... mApplicationTimerTime AfterUDFRoutine2 End Sub Public Sub AfterUDFRoutine2 ' This is the second of two timer.. mApplicationTimerTime AfterUDFRoutine2 End Sub Public Sub AfterUDFRoutine2 ' This is the second of two timer routines...
Why use Precompiled Headers (C/C++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903228/why-use-precompiled-headers-c-c OPSTRUCT.H #include regexClass.H #include FILTER.h Sub Programs Root Class #include subProgramClass.h Global data #include.. Scanner #include mainScanner.h #include filesScanner.h Sub Programs #include volumeEnumerate.h #include clsidCompressor.h..
Boost::spirit::qi defining a calculator for nullaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15486531/boostspiritqi-defining-a-calculator-for-nullaries operator return x_ op y_ Value x_ y_ and have ADD SUB etc. From the examples I've seen I'd expect the rules to be.. expression term lit ' ' term ADD _val _1 lit ' ' term SUB _val _1 but that doesn't seem to be the right syntax as I get.. 162 error no match for call to const unnamed SUB boost function double boost spirit context boost fusion cons..
Boost spirit compile issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16778399/boost-spirit-compile-issue x_ op y_ Value x_ y_ BINARY_FUNCTOR ADD BINARY_FUNCTOR SUB BINARY_FUNCTOR MUL BINARY_FUNCTOR DIV struct LIT LIT double.. phx construct ADD _val _1 ' ' term _val phx construct SUB _val _1 term factor _val _1 ' ' factor _val phx construct.. x_ op y_ Value x_ y_ BINARY_FUNCTOR ADD BINARY_FUNCTOR SUB BINARY_FUNCTOR MUL BINARY_FUNCTOR DIV struct LIT LIT double..