c++ Programming Glossary: substituting
Does std::function's copy-constructor require the template type's argument types to be complete types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10730682/does-stdfunctions-copy-constructor-require-the-template-types-argument-types usr include c v1 functional 1140 7 note while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'function'.. usr include c v1 functional 1140 7 note while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'function'..
R6025 Pure virtual function call: What is and how to resolve http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11269035/r6025-pure-virtual-function-call-what-is-and-how-to-resolve so you understand why it is happening. Also you know why substituting virtual void OnRelease 0 by virtual void OnRelease will work..
How to deduce the type of the functor's return value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12005749/how-to-deduce-the-type-of-the-functors-return-value for a function auto fn args return type return expression substituting return type with decltype expression will usually work but can..
Aliasing `T*` with `char*` is allowed. Is it also allowed the other way around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12612488/aliasing-t-with-char-is-allowed-is-it-also-allowed-the-other-way-around it's plainly true that all of your snippets are correct substituting reinterpret_cast with magic_cast because no glvalues are involved..
How do conversion operators work in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307876/how-do-conversion-operators-work-in-c smartref person p p.think why does not the compiler try substituting Type How do conversion operators work in C i.e when does the.. operators work in C i.e when does the compiler try substituting the type defined after the conversion operator c conversion..
What are declarations and declarators and how are their types interpreted by the standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13808932/what-are-declarations-and-declarators-and-how-are-their-types-interpreted-by-the So now if we look at the type we determined at each step substituting the some stuff s from each level below we can determine the..
How to parse text for a DSL at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17783393/how-to-parse-text-for-a-dsl-at-compile-time magical_function expression_text then later on evaluate substituting in known values evaluate expr a b c I'd want to expand this..
Visual Studio 2010 and std::function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2425277/visual-studio-2010-and-stdfunction with GCC 4.4.0 Visual Studio 2008 and with boost by substituting std tr1 namespace with boost. It only doesn't work with the..
Ballistic curve problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3215817/ballistic-curve-problem of the projectile y x by solving one equation for t and substituting into the other. You get Then finding the landing point is a..
C++ alternative to perror() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3320898/c-alternative-to-perror That still ends up calling strerror so you're really just substituting one C function for another. OTOH it does let you write via streams..
Why discards std::forward constexpr-ness? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5098069/why-discards-stdforward-constexpr-ness std is_lvalue_reference Tp value template argument substituting Tp is an lvalue reference type return static_cast Tp t namespace..
Should I prefer iterators over const_iterators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/765257/should-i-prefer-iterators-over-const-iterators modify the range at all neither the elements themselves by substituting their values nor the range by inserting or erasing. Or am I..
SFINAE with invalid function-type or array-type parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/822059/sfinae-with-invalid-function-type-or-array-type-parameters Adjustment of parameter types array pointer is done after substituting template parameters into function parameters and checking for..
C++ implicit type conversion with template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9787593/c-implicit-type-conversion-with-template at namespace level that has the signature obtained by substituting the real types of the instantiation in the friend declaration..