c++ Programming Glossary: stumbled
Why is the cplusplus website bad? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11972076/why-is-the-cplusplus-website-bad for. However I was looking for good alternatives and I stumbled upon this question Good reference for C iostreams There one..
c++ syntax: default and delete modifiers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16770492/c-syntax-default-and-delete-modifiers syntax default and delete modifiers Today I stumbled over a code snippet like this one class A A default A const..
Do polymorphism or conditionals promote better design? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/234458/do-polymorphism-or-conditionals-promote-better-design or conditionals promote better design I recently stumbled across this entry in the google testing blog about guidelines..
How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150/how-to-set-up-unit-testing-for-visual-studio-c rewrite with more features and bug fixes. I also just stumbled across UnitTest which includes stuff from CPPUnitLite2 and some..
What does “#define STR(a) #a” do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3534070/what-does-define-stra-a-do It's a FOSS JavaME implementation. It's written in C and I stumbled upon this Makes a string of the argument which is not macro..
Confusing Template error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3786360/confusing-template-error Template error I've been playing with clang a while and I stumbled upon test SemaTemplate dependent template recover.cpp in the..
Implicit conversion not happening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888082/implicit-conversion-not-happening not happening The last question I asked was something I stumbled upon when trying to understanding another thing... that I also..
comparing iterators from different containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657513/comparing-iterators-from-different-containers or undefined behavior I am writing a custom iterator and stumbled upon this question while implementing operator . c stl comparison..
Is it possible to “store” a template parameter pack without expanding it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4691657/is-it-possible-to-store-a-template-parameter-pack-without-expanding-it I was experimenting with C 0x variadic templates when I stumbled upon this issue template typename ...Args struct identities..
Searching in an sorted and rotated array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4773807/searching-in-an-sorted-and-rotated-array and rotated array While preparing for tech interview I stumbled upon this interesting question You've been given an array that..
Uploading big files over HTTP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492307/uploading-big-files-over-http improve this question I'm eight months late but I just stumbled upon this question and was surprised that webDAV wasn't mentioned...
What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625600/what-is-the-meaning-of-token-i-e-double-ellipsis-operator-on-paramet through gcc's current implementation of new C 11 headers I stumbled upon ...... token. You can check that the following code compiles..
Why does this code produce a warning referring to the comma operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5665611/why-does-this-code-produce-a-warning-referring-to-the-comma-operator deliberately using a single in a cout statement. I merely stumbled across this warning while trying to figure out an answer to..
Why should `new` be used as little as possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6500313/why-should-new-be-used-as-little-as-possible should `new` be used as little as possible I stumbled upon the Stack Overflow question Memory leak with std string..
Order of evaluation of arguments using std::cout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7718508/order-of-evaluation-of-arguments-using-stdcout of evaluation of arguments using std cout Hi all I stumbled upon this piece of code today and I am confused as to what exactly..
What is a good Linux IDE for code completion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/780837/what-is-a-good-linux-ide-for-code-completion convinced I've got the answer I'm looking for. I actually stumbled upon this when googling for linux code completion . Some are..
$ in variable name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7926394/in-variable-name in variable name I stumbled on some c code like this int T S First I thought that it was..
std::ostringstream printing the address of the c-string instead of its content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8287188/stdostringstream-printing-the-address-of-the-c-string-instead-of-its-content the address of the c string instead of its content I have stumbled on a weird behavior that I just could not explain at first see..
How can I resolve “error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849238/how-can-i-resolve-error-lnk2019-unresolved-external-symbol hunting for a slick fast embeddable database for it and stumbled accross SQLite. I created a DB with it and I created a static..
QObject Multiple Inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8578657/qobject-multiple-inheritance at the class hierarchy the problem becomes apparent I have stumbled on to the dreaded diamond in Multiple Inheritance where the..