c++ Programming Glossary: stumbling
How to set the stacksize with C++11 std::thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13871763/how-to-set-the-stacksize-with-c11-stdthread with the std thread library in C 11 and have arrived at a stumbling block. Initially I come from a posix threads background and..
How can I create an Image in GDI+ from a Base64-Encoded string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2746855/how-can-i-create-an-image-in-gdi-from-a-base64-encoded-string-in-c to decode the string in C to another string . What I'm stumbling on however is getting the information into an Image object in..
C++ for a C# developer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/285723/c-for-a-c-sharp-developer Ironically it's not what I'd imagine is the usual stumbling blocks for beginners as I feel that I've got the grasp of pointers..
Practical Books on game development in C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3305719/practical-books-on-game-development-in-c field. Then nearly any book will do. Because you'll not be stumbling over understanding the code but rather be learning what it does...
utfcpp and Win32 wide API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3329718/utfcpp-and-win32-wide-api 65001 is the code page for UTF 8 CP_UTF8 . Your next stumbling block would be the font that's used for the console. You'll..
Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3823921/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-when-reading-from-a-binary-file endian call the appropriate swap function. Sometimes a stumbling point for people here is that single byte values do not need..
Using SSL sockets and non-SSL sockets simultaneously in Boost.Asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4720120/using-ssl-sockets-and-non-ssl-sockets-simultaneously-in-boost-asio has worked very well so far but I've hit something of a stumbling block with regards to a design decision. Boost.Asio provides..
Converting Between Local Times and GMT/UTC in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761791/converting-between-local-times-and-gmt-utc-in-c-c prefer to find a standard or well known way rather than stumbling around. A possibly related question is Get Daylight Saving Transition..
C++ gdb GUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79023/c-gdb-gui a lot of time programming in Windows one of the larger stumbling blocks I've found whenever I have to code C in Linux is that..