c++ Programming Glossary: specializing
What are inline namespaces for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11016220/what-are-inline-namespaces-for than the one found in her copy of the STL . But When specializing a template you need to do so in the namespace it was declared..
Why is it not possible to overload class templates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11968994/why-is-it-not-possible-to-overload-class-templates I therefore concluded that we needed a mechanism for specializing templates. This could be done either by accepting general overloading..
Possible compiler bug in Visual C++ 2012 (x86)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13051930/possible-compiler-bug-in-visual-c-2012-x86 already stored in XMM0. A workaround is hard to come by specializing the template function for double has no effect. Disabling optimization..
Why does std::result_of take an (unrelated) function type as a type argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15486951/why-does-stdresult-of-take-an-unrelated-function-type-as-a-type-argument this in C 03 is default template arguments and partially specializing for every case the disadvantage being that it doesn't look like..
C++ template partial specialization - specializing one member function only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1757791/c-template-partial-specialization-specializing-one-member-function-only template partial specialization specializing one member function only Bumped into another templates problem..
questions regarding the design of std::initializer_list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17623098/questions-regarding-the-design-of-stdinitializer-list there's no traits giving the size of initializer_list like specializing std tuple_size Why it's not possible to statically access its.. it's not possible to statically access its elements like specializing std get What happens when sizeof is applied to initializer_list..
specialize a member template without specializing its parent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2009924/specialize-a-member-template-without-specializing-its-parent a member template without specializing its parent I have a class template nested inside another template... a class template nested inside another template. Partially specializing it is easy I just declare another template block inside its..
C++ syntax for explicit specialization of a template function in a template class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097811/c-syntax-for-explicit-specialization-of-a-template-function-in-a-template-clas You can't specialize a member function without explicitly specializing the containing class. What you can do however is forward calls..
Specialization of 'template<class _Tp> struct std::less' in different namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2282349/specialization-of-templateclass-tp-struct-stdless-in-different-namespace class _Tp struct std less' in different namespace I am specializing the 'less' predicate for a data type. The code looks like this..
Explicit specialization in non-namespace scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3052579/explicit-specialization-in-non-namespace-scope you can't specialize member functions without explicitly specializing the containing class so one solution would be to let Verify..
Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324898/can-we-increase-the-re-usability-of-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern type but a name as well. we do this by creating a tag and specializing the passkey for it friending the function #define EXPAND pX..
C++ specialization of template function inside template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4994775/c-specialization-of-template-function-inside-template-class function inside template class What is the C syntax for specializing a template function that's inside a template class For example..
C++ metafunction to determine whether a type is callable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5100015/c-metafunction-to-determine-whether-a-type-is-callable only if a templated one can not be found. This is done by specializing the non templated check to a no op if a templated one was found...
C++: Nested template classes error “explicit specialization in non-namespace scope” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6301966/c-nested-template-classes-error-explicit-specialization-in-non-namespace-sco It is not allowed to explicitly specialize A2 without specializing A1 § 14.7.3 18 . C 0x has the same restriction n3242 §..
Specialization of templated member function in templated class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6773302/specialization-of-templated-member-function-in-templated-class specialized You cannot specialize a member without also specializing the class. What you can do is put the code from function in..
What can and can't I specialize in the std namespace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513417/what-can-and-cant-i-specialize-in-the-std-namespace are a few templates that I am explicitly forbidden from specializing. What templates can and can't I specialize c c 11 std explicit..
Why can't I specialize the nested template member without specializing enclosing class template first? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9219157/why-cant-i-specialize-the-nested-template-member-without-specializing-enclosing can't I specialize the nested template member without specializing enclosing class template first Here is the code template typename.. Why can't I specialize the nested template member without specializing enclosing class template first I appreciate any help with logical..
Function template specialization format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937744/function-template-specialization-format not only refer to functions you create using explicitly specializing a template for which it is often only used. Conclusion GCC gets..