c++ Programming Glossary: specialisation
C++ Get name of type in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055452/c-get-name-of-type-in-template is trying to convert to. My current code looks like with specialisations for just plain strings and such template typename T T GetValue.. . The linker is then able to find the appropirate template specialisation as long as it was defined somewhere or throw a linker error..
How to define different types for the same class in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14232293/how-to-define-different-types-for-the-same-class-in-c class implementing the functionality and then having a specialisation that you actually instantiate that derives from it. Unfortunately..
Templates and headers question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528419/templates-and-headers-question doesn't touch them until your code instantiates a specialisation of that template which is why they need to have their source.. When the compiler finds an instantiation of a template specialisation say List int it goes back to the included template code and.. to the included template code and compiles it with that specialisation which is why you don't have issues with redefinition of function..
How to forward declare a template class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3879162/how-to-forward-declare-a-template-class the only thing you're allowed to put in std is a template specialisation commonly std less on a user defined type. Someone else can cite..
When should I use typedef in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516237/when-should-i-use-typedef-in-c template typename T struct strip_pointer_from T Partial specialisation for pointer types typedef T type Example the type expression..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c code to support each type e.g. overloading template specialisation you explicitly add support for this as per ad hoc 's meaning..
Alias template specialisation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6622452/alias-template-specialisation template specialisation Can alias templates 14.5.7 be explicitly specialised 14.7.3..
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7108033/template-specialization-vs-function-overloading you can specialise when you need to. Long story C treats specialisation and overloads very differently. This is best explained with.. T void foo T overload of foo T template void foo int int specialisation of foo T foo new int calls foo int int Now let's swap the last.. template typename T void foo T template void foo int int specialisation of foo T template typename T void foo T overload of foo T foo..
In a templated derived class, why do I need to qualify base class member names with “this->” inside a member function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7908248/in-a-templated-derived-class-why-do-i-need-to-qualify-base-class-member-names-w be looked up in a class template But only in a template specialisation instantiation . The template is a factory to make template specialisation.. instantiation . The template is a factory to make template specialisation a template isn't a set of template specialisation . The compiler.. template specialisation a template isn't a set of template specialisation . The compiler can lookup d in Base T for any particular type..
Why isn't there a std::shared_ptr<T[]> specialisation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8947579/why-isnt-there-a-stdshared-ptrt-specialisation isn't there a std shared_ptr T specialisation The standard provides a template specialization of std unique_ptr.. int arr new int 10 ....... With std shared_ptr this specialisation is not available so it is necessary to to provide a deleter..