c++ Programming Glossary: spec
GCC problem : using a member of a base class that depends on a template argument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11405/gcc-problem-using-a-member-of-a-base-class-that-depends-on-a-template-argument I have to do this. Is there something in the official specs of C that gcc is following here or is it just a quirk c templates.. The C parser got much more strict in that release per the spec but still kinda annoying for people with legacy or multi platform..
When can outer braces be omitted in an initializer list? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11734861/when-can-outer-braces-be-omitted-in-an-initializer-list not required for a2 Update The question seems to be not specific to std array. Some examples struct B int foo 2 OK B meow1.. but it works without it. It seems I need to dig the spec again . More on braces and extra braces I dig the spec. This.. the spec again . More on braces and extra braces I dig the spec. This section §8.5.1 11 from C 11 is interesting and applies..
Why doesn't a derived template class have access to a base template class' identifiers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1239908/why-doesnt-a-derived-template-class-have-access-to-a-base-template-class-ident members. Is this loss of visibility a requirement of the C spec or is there a syntax change that I need to employ I understand.. you assume to be defined in it there might be a specialization for some T s that the compiler only sees later and..
Why destructor is not called on exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/222175/why-destructor-is-not-called-on-exception exception is called before the stack gets unwound. The specific details of what the C spec says is outside of my knowledge.. the stack gets unwound. The specific details of what the C spec says is outside of my knowledge but a debug trace with gdb and..
Template typedefs - What's your work around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26151/template-typedefs-whats-your-work-around referred to as template typedefs . See here . Current spec of C does not. What do you like to use as work around Container..
How to convert vector to array C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923272/how-to-convert-vector-to-array-c There's a fairly simple trick to do so since the spec now guarantees vectors store their elements contiguously std..
Why does C++ support memberwise assignment of arrays within structs, but not generally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3437110/why-does-c-support-memberwise-assignment-of-arrays-within-structs-but-not-gen behavior but James McNellis 's reference to the related spec documentation was useful as well. c c arrays variable assignment.. layout problem was eventually solved by giving arrays a special treatment The compiler would track the location of arrays.. citized of the C type system they were mostly treated as special beasts which become pointer if you use them. And from a certain..
Compilers and argument order of evaluation in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621542/compilers-and-argument-order-of-evaluation-in-c gurantee or prefer one over the other and leaves it as unspecified . Note the wording. It does not say this is undefined... . Note the wording. It does not say this is undefined. Unspecified in this sense means something you cannot count on non portable.. cannot count on non portable behavior. I don't have the C spec draft handy but it should be similar to that from my n2798 draft..
how does array[100] = {0} set the entire array to 0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/629017/how-does-array100-0-set-the-entire-array-to-0 this code in C is described in section of the C specification online draft of C spec for the elements that don't.. section of the C specification online draft of C spec for the elements that don't have a specified value the compiler.. online draft of C spec for the elements that don't have a specified value the compiler initializes pointers to NULL and arithmetic..
C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ programming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6319146/c11-introduced-a-standardized-memory-model-what-does-it-mean-and-how-is-it-g you have to learn to think like a Language Lawyer. The C specification does not make reference to any particular compiler.. that code on a concrete machine. By coding rigidly to the spec you can be certain that your code will compile and run without.. 50 years from now. The abstract machine in the C 98 C 03 specification is fundamentally single threaded. So it is not possible..
Difference between void main and int main? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636829/difference-between-void-main-and-int-main int main is the proper definition of your main per the C spec. void main int argc char argv is not and was IIRC a perversity..
Should we still be optimizing “in the small”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/763656/should-we-still-be-optimizing-in-the-small way to do it. anecdote I once reviewed a requirements spec that stated The programmer shall left shift by one instead of..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv Set audio settings from codec info SDL_AudioSpec wanted_spec wanted_spec.freq aCodecCtx sample_rate wanted_spec.format AUDIO_S16SYS.. settings from codec info SDL_AudioSpec wanted_spec wanted_spec.freq aCodecCtx sample_rate wanted_spec.format AUDIO_S16SYS wanted_spec.channels.. wanted_spec wanted_spec.freq aCodecCtx sample_rate wanted_spec.format AUDIO_S16SYS wanted_spec.channels aCodecCtx channels..
At as deep of a level as possible, how are virtual functions implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/99297/at-as-deep-of-a-level-as-possible-how-are-virtual-functions-implemented table in memory. Note that virtual tables are class specific i.e. there is only one virtual table for a class irrespective.. i.e. there is only one virtual table for a class irrespective of the number of virtual functions it contains. This virtual.. or modifying it at runtime. Also note the C language spec does not specify that vtables are required however that is how..