c++ Programming Glossary: spawned
Hide Console of c program in window OS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2422430/hide-console-of-c-program-in-window-os
fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2635272/fastest-low-latency-method-for-inter-process-communication-between-java-and-c only single byte send received 2 Java processes just spawned without assigning specific CPU cores with taskset TCP 25 microseconds..
Python PyGILState_{Ensure/Release} causes segfault while returning to C++ from Python code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4866701/python-pygilstate-ensure-release-causes-segfault-while-returning-to-c-from-p
Multithreaded job queue manager http://stackoverflow.com/questions/565137/multithreaded-job-queue-manager as light and nimble as possible so anything that can get spawned off asynchronously should be. From looking at the Chrome source..
Performing equivalent of “Kill Process Tree” in c++ on windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/604522/performing-equivalent-of-kill-process-tree-in-c-on-windows However we don't want to orphan the processes it has spawned. We want them all to die. I have used Process Explorer and it..
Volatile and CreateThread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6866206/volatile-and-createthread involving volatile volatile array c However my question spawned a discussion on what volatile does. Some claim that when using..
Is volatile bool for thread control considered wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6995310/is-volatile-bool-for-thread-control-considered-wrong that an object is created which does something in a newly spawned thread checking a volatile boolean to know if it should stop...
run a executable jar from c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7844884/run-a-executable-jar-from-c-code