c++ Programming Glossary: sms
Unable to send SMS using AT Commands http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16402403/unable-to-send-sms-using-at-commands close cout port isOpen endl system pause return 0 c qt sms usb at command share improve this question Your problem..
How do I link libcurl to my c++ program in linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302282/how-do-i-link-libcurl-to-my-c-program-in-linux the program It comes up with these errors Building target sms Invoking GCC C Linker g o sms . src sms.o . src sms.o In function.. these errors Building target sms Invoking GCC C Linker g o sms . src sms.o . src sms.o In function `main' home geekman workspace.. Building target sms Invoking GCC C Linker g o sms . src sms.o . src sms.o In function `main' home geekman workspace sms..
Unable to send SMS using AT Commands http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16402403/unable-to-send-sms-using-at-commands to send SMS using AT Commands Please be kind enough to have a look at the.. port new QextSerialPort portName break Write and send the SMS port open QIODevice ReadWrite cout port isOpen endl port write.. AT CMGF 1 port write AT CMGS 1234567 port write Hello Test SMS port write 0x1A port flush port close cout port isOpen endl..